
Saturday, July 2, 2016

In My Mailbox #244

This hasn't been the best week. Sigh. I'm feeling pretty crappy all the goddamn time. More medicine was supposed to make me feel better. Instead I have been feeling worse ever since. So tired all the time. And feeling bad. And I don't have the energy to read at all. Or catch up. So behind on things.  Which makes me sad, but yeah. I just do not have the energy at all :( Oh, well. Some good news at least, though. I have been bathing in our new lay-z-spa miami every day. Which is just perfection. So hot. So awesome. I love bathing. And I got some pretty amazing mail this week too, which I'm very happy about :D So yay! I'm still waiting on my signed Claire Legrand books, though. Aw. They were supposed to arrive this week, then they got stopped in Oslo at the customs. Ugh. Which bothers me a lot, as we don't have to pay taxes for books here. Hmph. So I'm still waiting. And waiting. Aw. But will be worth the wait, I'm sure. <3 Anyway. My week was a bit crappy, but also good. I just wish I was better at reading. Ugh. I haven't read anything this week. But I am currently reading The Girl With All the Gifts, which I am loving, just. Only on around two hundred pages, and I started it two days ago. Sobs. Taking me forever. But yeah. No energy to read more often. Sad face. But still reading a little, so yay? So little blog posts this week. Sobs. This week I'm waiting on Spectacle. <3 My newest Book Collection is books by Robin LaFevers :D And that's it. Aw.

And I Darken. Gosh, this book was pretty amazing. I loved it. And this hardcover is so stunning. Love it.
All the Missing Girls. Ahh, I adored this book :D It was amazing. And evil. So good. Love this hardcover.
Mortal Heart. Finally got to buy the US paperback edition :D Eee. I loved this book oh so much. Stunning.
All the Rage. I adored this book oh so much. And I'm so happy about this US paperback. It is gorgeous.
The Golden Specific. I haven't read this second book yet. Ahh. But my collection needs all the editions :)
The Shadow Hour. Eee! Thank you so much to the amazing UK publisher for this one :D Cannot wait.
Zootopia. A sticker book :D Eee. Gorgeous. And finally the movie on blu-ray. And soundtrack. I love.
Harry Potter. Missing a few of these coloring books, I think, or just one. But yeah. These are so lovely.
His Dark Materials. I actually thought these were the audiobooks. Aw. But no. But even so, I love it so :D
Bookmarks. More from the awesome Happy Hello shop :D She's the best. I love all of these oh so much.
Funko Pop. I bought this one because it looks awesome, lol :D I haven't seen Adventure Time yet. Ahh.
Plushes. I can't help it. I'm obsessed with buying pretty plushes. These were just so cute. Love them all.
How To Train Your Dragon. I was missing this one. And it was finally on sale, so I got to buy it. Yay :D
Tote Bag. Eee! Thank you so much A&CBooksUK for this one that I won :D SO GORGEOUS. I love it.

Disney Store Sweden. Eee. I cannot help it. I'm pretty much addicted to buying from Disney, lol. If there was a store here in Norway, I would buy all the time. <3 Sobs. But yeah. I always have to pay loooots in taxes when buying from Sweden, which is a bit disappointing. Sigh. But I needed to buy all of these :D And oh gosh. My limited doll is SO HUGE. So pretty. Love. And Lilo. My precious. Love them all so much.

A Study in Scarlet Women. I aaaadore Sherry Thomas. <3 Her YA trilogy is so so good. Ack. And I simply must try her adult books too. And so I wish to try this one first, I think :D Thank you to the publisher for accepting my Netgalley request. <3 Hopefully I will get to read it soonish :D I'm very excited to read it.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, Carina! I hope you feel better soon.

    I hear All the Missing Girls is good. Enjoy your books! :)

  2. Oh! The Shadow Hour. I'm so jealous!!! I hope you'll feel better soon, C. <3

  3. *huggles* I'm sorry, Carina. I am hoping and praying for you, and I hope you will get better day by day. The spa days sound really great, I'm glad you enjoyed them. =) I love your haul this week! So many great books and wonderful dolls.

    Have a lovely week, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. I hope you feel better soon! That HP colouring book is also on my wish list.

  5. I hope you will start feeling better soon!
    At least there's a lil silver lining on this crappy week and you are reading even if it's only bits and pieces.


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