
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday #28

Top Ten Favorite 2016
Releases So Far This Year

1. Nevernight by Jay Kristoff.
When I read this book a few months ago, I knew it would be a huge favorite of mine. Probably cause of all the heartbreak it gave me, lol. It was so beautifully written and so good and gah. I loved this oh so much. Despite the heartbreak.


2. Gemina by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman.
I had been so excited for this book for ages, eee, and I finally got to read it this month. Thrilled to say I loved it so much. It's even more awful than Illuminae, haha. I'm not sure which one I love the most, but I love them both oh so much.

3. Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare.
I had been waiting so long for this book. And when I read it a few months ago, it was everything I wanted it to be and more. Sigh. I love all the books by Cassie. And I loved this one the most. Julian and Emma are the cutest. Eee.

4. The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski.
I'm so thrilled that I loved this book so much. I was a bit nervous before reading it, but oh gosh. It ended up having everything I wanted in a book. Everything I had dreamed of for these characters. I loved this book so much.

5. Stars Above by Marissa Meyer.
There was no way I could not include this book as one of the best I have read this year. Because, gosh. It was perfection. That epilogue was truly the most awesome. And all the short stories. I love this world. I love these characters.

6. Foxheart by Claire Legrand.
Oh, how I love books by Claire. And just love Claire, lol. She's so kind and awesome. And her books are perfection. This one might be my favorite. I can't decide. It's heartbreaking. It's amazing. There is magic. I loved it oh so much.

7. Some Kind of Happiness by Claire Legrand.
And this one too. It's so sad and real and I loved reading every moment of it. Finley is the most amazing girl. I loved getting to know her. I adored all the friendships she made. And the boy she met, hih. This book is so, so perfect.


8. Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake.
I knew I would love this book. And I did. So much. Eee. But I did not know it would ruin my heart so much. Hmph. And that I would feel so strongly about all the characters. Ahh. It was simply amazing. So much love for this precious.

9. Blood For Blood by Ryan Graudin.
This book broke me. Sad face. But even so, I loved it so much. The story is just so amazing. And Yael is the bravest and strongest girl. I loved reading about her and her fight. This final book was so exciting and I loved it lots.

10. The Safest Lies by Megan Miranda.
I'm simply so happy with how much I loved this book. Eee. It was exciting from beginning to end. I adored the characters. And I loved the small romance. Ack. The story was so good and full of suspense. I ended up loving this book a lot.

Ahh, I have read a few amazing books this year so far :D Much less than I wished for, sad face, but hoping I will read much more in these next months. Fingers crossed. But yeah. I still managed to find ten favorites for this awesome topic :D Yay! I loved all of these books SO MUCH. I think they are in the right order. Most likely. But even so, I loved them all to pieces. The title links will lead to my five star reviews of all the books. If you haven't read any of these yet, then do so right now. They are perfection. Oh, fine, I know. Five of these aren't even out yet. Ack! But they will be soonish :D And you should pre-order them.

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :)


  1. I keep on being reminded that I need to read Stars Above. I'm glad to see it here on your list! :-)

  2. Somehow heartbreak books tend to be the best. SO mean, haha. I have Stars Above on my list as well. Great list. :)

  3. You've reminded me just how much I want to read Stars Above!
    Great list - it's amazing that there have been so many new releases that you've enjoyed so much. :D

  4. I agree that The Winner's Kiss and Gemina have to be on the Top 10 of the year! So many books I still need to read!

  5. I can't wait to read Blood For Blood! You are way ahead of everyone!

  6. Some kind of happiness is on my list too! I loved that book a lot! there are so many books on your list that haven't come out yet, I am so jealous! Great list :)
    here's my TTT!

  7. I have Foxheard on my iPad from Edelweiss and I almost started reading it last night - seeing it here on your list makes me want to re-examine my choices for not picking it up!

  8. The Winner's Kiss and Stars Above were AMAZING! They were on my list too. I've heard great things about Nevernight and Gemina, but I still need to read Illuminae. Hopefully soon!

    Check out my TTT

    Lizzie @ Big Books and Grande Lattes


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