
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday #27

Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases
For The Second Half Of The Year

1. Heartless by Marissa Meyer.
This is the book I want to read the very most right now. Aw. But I don't have any chance of getting the ARC box, which is killing me, so I guess I must wait until November. All the sobs. I know I will love Heartless more than anything.

2. Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo.
Is it time for this book yet? Ahhh. I loved Six of Crows so much. This sequel is going to be amazing. I simply cannot wait to get to read it. Just so nervous too. I don't want any of these precious characters to die, and I fear they will. Ahh.

3. Like a River Glorious by Rae Carson.
Gosh, I cannot wait to read this book. I loved the first one so much, and I think that this sequel is going to be even better. Eee. I cannot wait for the romance too, hih. So excited. Just, aw. I thought there would be ARCs. But seems not.

4. Yesternight by Cat Winters.
Eee, I cannot wait to read this precious book. Crossing all my fingers I might be getting an ARC of it. I want want want. I adore Cat so much. All her books are simply amazing. This one is going to be perfect too. I am so excited for it.

5. Nemesis by Anna Banks.
I adore Anna. She's pretty awesome. And I think this newest book of hers sounds so amazing. Eee. I think I will end up loving Nemesis. It sounds pretty exciting and I do like that cover too. I just, yeah. I can't wait to read it. Excited.

6. United by Melissa Landers.
I adored book one and two in this series. And I am thrilled there will be a third and final one. Eee. It's going to be amazing. And lots of romance, which I love. I think I will love United oh so much, and I cannot wait to read it. It's out soon.

7. Metaltown by Kristen Simmons.
Oh, this book is going to be awesome. I just know it. I adore Kristen, and I simply cannot wait to read this new book of hers. Eee. It's so pretty. And it sounds so awesome and exciting. I hope the romance will be awesome too.

8. The Bronze Key by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black.
This is the third book in this series. There will be five. Eee. I'm a bit sad there is only one a year, aw, since they are also so short. But I shall wait. Because I love this series so much. These characters are adorable. I can't wait to read it.

9. The Peculiar Night of the Blue Heart by Lauren DeStefano.
Gosh, I want this book so, so much. Sniffs. I need that pretty ARC. I need it so much. Because I'm going to love this book so much. I adored her other middle grade book. And this one sounds like it's going to be so perfect. I'm so excited.

10. A World Without You by Beth Revis.
I'm so nervous about this book. It sounds like it's going to break my heart. Ahh. Yet I'm so excited. It's going to be amazing, lol. And I will love it so much, I just know it. I love Beth so much. All her books are so amazing. Eee. I can't wait.

Gosh, been ages again since I last did this, lol. But today I really wanted to. And next week too. So yay! I always find it fun to do Top Ten Tuesday posts, but I often don't like the topics, lol, or they are just too hard to do. But I shall try doing it more often from now on. Maybe. We'll see. Anyway. For this week I'm sharing the top ten books I'm most excited about reading coming out later this year. YAY! I have already read most of my most excited for books, lol, but still a bunch that I'm dying to read. And want so much. There are still so many books that I'm not including. Ack. Also not choosing the books that are out in just a month or so :) But yeah. So many books coming out that I can't wait to read :D What about your list?

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :)


  1. Nemesis sounds and looks awesome! I saw it on Netgalley the other day and almost requested it, but then I realised the big pile of building-up ARCs I need to get through... I have The Iron Trial (Magisterium #1) on my shelf. I'm probably going to get to it soon. I'm pretty sure Heartless is on everyone's list this week.

    My TTTl
    -Rekha @Million Book Mill

  2. All such great choices. Loved seeing your picks.

  3. Great list Carina! I love all the titles you picked.

  4. Ahh I can't wait for like a River Glorious as well, I can't believe I've left that off my list! Heartless and Crooked Kingdom are also ones that I am looking forward to, and Nemesis looks awesome as well :)
    here's my TTT!

  5. So excited for Heartless! I really need to read Rae Carson's series. It sounds like one I'd enjoy :) Thanks for sharing!
    My TTT

  6. I can't for CK, either, but like you I'm nervous! Yesternight and Nemesis I'm intrigued by and I'm hoping will be good. :)

  7. the cover for Yesternight is so striking! My TTT

  8. Just added Yesternight to my TBR list. Did not even know about that one!! Here is my list

  9. I´m also looking forward to read Like a River Glorious.
    Here is My Top 10 Tuesday

  10. Number 1, 2, 3, 4 are HIGH on my list :D


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