
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Review: The Safest Lies by Megan Miranda

Gosh, I loved this book. I mean, I knew I would, because I adore Megan Miranda. And I have loved all the books I have read by her, which is all of them but one, lol. Must read that one soon too. I just. Megan writes such amazing stories. And she makes up such amazing characters. I couldn't not love this precious book.

I have been wanting to read this book for ages now, but had to wait until my hardcover arrived. Hmph. And then I could not read it fast enough. When I started it today, I had planned on reading a little today, the rest tomorrow. But lol. That didn't work out well. Once I started it, I could not stop. It was too exciting. And evil.

Everything about this book was awesome. The writing is good, and the characters were all written so well. I adored them all. Well, sort of. But yeah. This story was so amazing to read and I loved every moment of it. I do wish the book had been a little bit longer at the end, but I don't mind too much, because I found the ending to be pretty amazing. This book is full of suspense. I was sweating and so nervous. I loved it. So much. I was worried for just about the whole book, lol. And I enjoyed every moment of it. I loved that this book made me feel so many things. This plot was so special to me. I loved that Kelsey's mom hadn't left their secure house in seventeen years. I loved that there were secret reasons for it, and it was so exciting to figure it all out.

I really loved how this book began. Okay, I didn't like the school parts in the first few pages, lol, but I loved getting to know Kelsey a little. And to know that she was crushing on the boy in her class, Ryan. It was so cute. But then the accident happen. She crashes her car. Goes over a cliff. And Ryan is the person who saves her. Or she saves him. Or both. Either way, it was so exciting to read about. And yet so awful too, because I was so worried, and it was written so well. So much fear in this book. Gosh. Loved it to pieces.

There is so much exciting happening in this book. I'm not sure where to begin to describe it all. And I don't think I will have enough words for it either. Because I really liked this book. And I'm not sure what else to say about it. Hmph. But I'm trying. Because this book was long enough, and so exciting, and gosh. I need you all to read it. I'm so glad I read it right now. It was just what I needed. Though it might have made me a bit afraid too, living in my unsafe house. How mean. Mostly I just loved this book so much.

It is all told from Kelsey's point of view. And oh, getting to know this girl was so amazing. She has been living alone with her mom her whole life. Home schooled, until just recently. Only spending time with her mom and a handful of other people. So she is a bit innocent and doesn't know everything, yet she still knows more than enough, and I adored how cute she was. Around Ryan too. It was adorable. I just really loved getting to know Kelsey. She was strong and brave yet also afraid. This book was full of fear. Ack.

We also get to know so much about her mom. How she hasn't left the house once in all those years. How she was kidnapped when she was younger, escaping a year later, pregnant with Kelsey. Gosh. It was all so interesting and a bit heartbreaking and I couldn't help but love every moment of it. I loved reading about their house, their big gate and such. All their alarms. There is even a panic room. Ahhh. all the love. It was so exciting. And, you know, terrifying. I'm just so glad I loved this book so much. So happy.

And then the big plot begins. Kelsey arrives home late in the evening, with Ryan following behind her to talk to her, and she sees that the alarms are all turned off. And her mom is missing. And then she and Ryan are looking for her inside for ages, and gosh. Then their phones don't work. And the power gets turned off. And there are shadows outside. And shudders. There was so much happening. So much suspense. It killed me a little. I loved it oh so much. It was exciting and evil and so well written. Yesss.

There were a few awesome friends in this book. I liked Annika a whole bunch. I was a bit unsure about her a few times, but she ended up being pretty amazing and I loved reading about her. I didn't like Cole all that much, because of what he did years ago, but he was pretty sweet too. His sister was not. Ugh. I did not like her one bit. Sigh. And their mom, Jan. Sigh. I can't help it. I felt like she should have gotten fired, because of something she wrote. So I didn't like her all that much either. But I liked her sometimes.

There is so much in this book. I haven't mentioned all of it, not even close. There are bad people. There are exciting and terrible moments. I loved all of them. Nothing too brutal at all, yet so exciting. There is a really cute romance. I adored Ryan and Kelsey. The Safest Lies was such an incredible book. I loved every moment of it. It is full of suspense and action. I couldn't have asked for more. Sigh. I just wish there was another book after it, lol. I want more. I want a sequel. I can't wait to read more books by Megan :)


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, C! This one is new to me, but that's not surprising because you have more publisher contacts than I do. Lol. It's okay. I haven't got the time to read nowadays *sobs*. Lovely review, hun!


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