
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #241

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. 


Goodreads Description:

The action-packed, thrilling sequel to Ryan Graudin's Wolf by Wolf.

There would be blood.
Blood for blood.
Blood to pay.
An entire world of it.

For the resistance in 1950s Germany, the war may be over, but the fight has just begun.

Death camp survivor Yael, who has the power to skinshift, is on the run: the world has just seen her shoot and kill Hitler. But the truth of what happened is far more complicated, and its consequences are deadly. Yael and her unlikely comrades dive into enemy territory to try to turn the tide against the New Order, and there is no alternative but to see their mission through to the end, whatever the cost.

But dark secrets reveal dark truths, and one question hangs over them all: how far can you go for the ones you love?

This gripping, thought-provoking sequel to Wolf by Wolf will grab readers by the throat with its cinematic writing, fast-paced action, and relentless twists.

Hardcover, 496 pages
Expected publication: November 1st 2016 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Pre-Order here and here

Gosh! I won an ARC of it just two weeks ago :D And it arrived yesterday! EEE! I'm re-reading Wolf By Wolf first, and I'm so excited.And then I shall read Blood For Blood. <3 But also just had to have it as a wow post first, hih :) Because, gosh, I am dying to read this book. I loved Wolf By Wolf so much, and it murdered my heart, and ahh, this sequel is going to be aamazing :D I just hope it will not destroy me, lol. Hoping for a happy ending. <3 Ahh. I'm so so worried. Also, love love love that gorgeous cover :)
What are you waiting for on this breathtaking Wednesday?


  1. Yay, your wait is over! :D I hope you enjoy this one, Carina! I haven't read book one, and only one book by this author, but this series definitely is on my must-read-soon list! :D

  2. I haven't heard of this one before. Sounds really need. I will need to check out the first book in the series!!

    Feel free to pop over and check out my WOW!

    Shubba @ Wee Shubba's World.

  3. So excited for this one! I cannot wait to get my hands on it soon but I'll be doing a readalong with a friend so I'll wait till closer to release date!

  4. Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE this series!I hope it's good -- will be on the look out for your review! HEre's mine:

  5. I definitely need to read wolf by wolf, I have had it forever and just never gotten around to it, but i've heard amazing things! i hope you end up loving this book just as much!
    here's my WoW!

  6. Great pick! I really enjoyed WbW, so I'm looking forward to this one as well.

  7. HUGE congrats on the win! I can't wait to read this one as well. I hope you enjoy this book when you get a chance to read it!

    Have a lovely week, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  8. Congrats on getting your hands on your WoW. Hope you love the book, Carina! :)

  9. I hope you love this one just as much as the first. Congrats on getting an early copy! :)

  10. I haven't read either of these books, but I've heard good things. I hope you love them!!

  11. Ooh, I haven't read Wolf by Wolf yet! It looks amazing, though! Yay for winning an ARC, though, so no more waiting! :D


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