
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Review: Summer Days and Summer Nights by Stephanie Perkins

Ugh. I'm a bit disappointed. This is my second anthology book read. I didn't love my first one just a month ago. And I did not love this one either. Which I'm super depressed about. This one looks so cute. Yes, I know, not my genre. But I adore a few of the authors. So I thought I might end up loving this. But I was wrong.

Okay, fine. I did like a few of the stories. But not a single one of these twelve stories were a five star for me. And that is just so disappointing. I'm going to rate all of them, and write a little bit about them all. But. Yeah. I was really disappointed with this book. Getting the hardcover, though, since, you know, favorite authors.

But yeah. I did not love this one. But I'm still giving it three stars. I think that was my average rating of them all. Though there were two one stars. Which is just so sad. Ugh. I wasn't expecting to dislike this one so much. I mean, I thought I would love it when I asked for it on Netgalley. But then I got it, and then I put it off for so long, getting more sure I wouldn't love it like I wanted to. But I didn't think that the stories would be that bad. Sigh. I can't help it. I did not like this book much at all. Would I recommend it? Well, not really. But sure. Some will love it. I was not one of those. But I did adore a few of the stories, and sharing more about them below. I just really wish this book had been better. I wanted to love it. I wanted to fall in love with this genre, lol.

The first story was Head, Scales, Tongue, Tail by Leigh Bardugo. I'm giving this story 4 out of 5. I loved Gracie and Eli. They only spend summers together. There is a reason for why. I loved that reason. But gosh, I wish this story had been much longer. Hmph. I wanted more of it. Beginning was a bit weird, but liked it. The second story was The End of Love by Nina Lacour. I'm giving this story 2 out of 5. About a girl named Flora, in love with another girl. She's taking summer class. Family drama. It was so boring.

The third story was Last Stand at the Cinegor by Libba Bray. I'm giving this story 1 out of 5. I did not like this one at all. Kevin was awful. Romance was weird. About old movies, so boring. I felt nothing. The most weird and stupid ending. The fourth story was Sick Pleasures by Francesca Lia Block. I'm giving this story 1 out of 5. It was so bad. Gosh. I can't stand how bad it was. Bad writing. Bad romance crap. There is dancing. There is drugs and drinking at times. And sex with wrong people. It was so awful.

The fifth story was In Ninety Minutes, Turn North by Stephanie Perkins. I'm giving this story 3 out of 5. I haven't read the Winter story, but I liked this one. Marigold and North were cute. The mountain was amazing to read about. Wish there hadn't been relationship drama, but I liked the characters a lot. The sixth story was Souvenirs by Tim Federle. I'm giving this story 2 out of 5. Reading about Matty and Kieth was so so very boring. It was a break-up story. Bad ending. A lot of crying. So boring. And very awkward.

The seventh story was Inertia by Veronica Roth. I'm giving this story 4 out of 5. This story was pretty sweet. And sad. I liked the ending a lot. But yeah. I wouldn't have minded a full story of this one. Claire and Matt were adorable. I loved the part about visiting old memories together. The eight story was Love is the Last Resort by Jon Skovron. I'm giving this story 3 out of 5. I liked reading about Lena and Arlo. But, well, insta-love. The other couples were much cuter. A bit bad writing, though. But it was cute.

The ninth story was Good Luck and Farewell by Brandy Colbert. I'm giving this story 2 out of 5. This story was just so very boring. Nothing really happen. Girl is sad about cousin leaving. She acts meanly. Too quick romance. Ugh. I just didn't really like this one at all. The tenth story was Brand New Attraction by Cassandra Clare. I'm giving this story 3 out of 5. I liked Lulu and Lucas a lot. They were cute. There is a dark carnival, one demon, a bad uncle. It was an interesting story. I wanted more of this. Of them.

The eleventh story was A Thousand Ways This Could All Go Wrong by Jennifer E. Smith. I'm giving this story 3 out of 5. I adored Annie and Griffin. Not the best writing, but I adored the story. About autism. A bit of cute romance. And cute kids too. The twelfth story was The Map of Tiny Perfect Things by Lev Grossman. I'm giving this story 2 out of 5. Oh, this story was boring. About a boy stuck in time, living the same day over and over. He finds a girl that does the same. He falls in love. A bit drama. Boring.

Sadly, most of these stories were just not for me at all. I felt like the writing for most of them were so bad. I didn't enjoy the stories or the characters. Many of the stories didn't even seem to fit into this book at all. Ugh. How disappointing. Still. It is a gorgeous looking book, lol. And I'm glad I read it even so. Thank you so much to the publisher, St. Martin's Griffin for approving my request to read this book early via Netgalley. You guys are the best. I wish I could have loved it more, though. Hmph. How mean.


  1. Aw. I supposed it's to be expected from an anthology. Can you believe I only read a couple of stories from this book's winter counterpart? I know! Sad, really.

  2. Sorry to hear you didn't love more of the stories. It can be a challenge to pull a reader into a romance with so few pages. Sick Pleasures sounds particularly terrible. I do love the cover, though. Cute. Great honest review, Carina! :)

  3. I'm sorry it didn't work for you, it just sounds really terrible! I read the christmas anthology and quite enjoyed it, and I'm excited for this one, but now I'm scared :/ It just sounds sooo boring!

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress


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