
Sunday, May 29, 2016

Review: Blood For Blood by Ryan Graudin

I'm not sure how to deal with this book. It ruined my heart. And my mind. Yet it was all kinds of perfect. Sigh. I loved this book so much. I'm pretty sure I love it more than Wolf By Wolf, but I love them both so much. This second and final book was all I wanted it to be. Despite that heartbreak. Gah. It was so exciting and real.

I love reading about Yael so much. Getting to know how her story ends was the very best thing. Though I do wish there had been a third book. Sad face. But the ending is perfect. There doesn't need to be more. I really enjoyed reading this. Once I started, I could not stop until I finished it. So exciting and evil all the time.

Blood For Blood is so long and so heartbreaking. There is so much happening at all times and I'm not sure how to describe it all. Because I loved this book so much and I need you all to read this series too. Because these books are so important. They are heartbreaking and so real, despite being an alternative version of our world. most of the Hitler stuff did happen, just years ago. And reading about it again in this book was so heartbreaking. Sniffs. I just don't get how it could have happened. People suck. Anyway. This book. This book tells an incredible story. I loved reading about Yael. I loved that this book starts right after Wolf By Wolf ended. I loved that Yael and Luka are in the same space for almost the whole book, because they are so awesome together.

The plot in this book is so amazing. I loved reading about how Yael had escaped the death camp all those years ago, loved reading about how they changed her, though it was the most heartbreaking thing. Yet written so good. I loved reading about what Yael could do. Ack. She's just so awesome. I liked reading about how awful the war with Hitler was, despite how evil and sad it was. So many people got killed. So many people were hurt. There is even a bit torture in this book. Shudders. Even so, I loved it.

This book is pretty tragic, though. Because, yeah, so many people die. People close to Yael. Sniffs. Some deaths broke my heart so much. I'm still not over it. But they were also written so well and I did feel like they had to happen. Maybe. Okay, I might not forgive it, but it was written good. Just so sad. Gah. This book is full of betrayals. And I did not approve at all. Hmph. There are a few amazing moments too, though, and those were the very best. Not as many kisses as I wanted, lol, but still so much awesome.

Blood For Blood is told from the point of view of Yael. But also Luka. And also Felix. Most it Yael, though. But gosh, I loved reading the other point of views too. Okay, fine, I only loved reading from Luka. Whom is the most awesome boy and I fell more and more in love with him on every page. Sigh. But then there were Felix. And I don't know. I loved him in book one, how he protected his sister. But uuugh. He was awful in this one. I shall never forgive him. I did not like the things he did at all. It makes me a bit sad.

We also get to see a bit about Adele, the real version of her. And, hah, I can't help it. I hated her. I hated her so much. And I'm so glad that Luka didn't feel anything for her anymore. Just, ugh. This girl was not a girl I would have enjoyed reading about, lol. Though I did read about her and Luka in the awesome short story, Iron To Iron. But yeah. I didn't like her then either. But I did like reading about her, sort of, I just did not like her at all, lol. And I didn't see why Felix wanted to protect her so badly. Sigh. She was not nice.

Reading about Luka and Yael was so much fun. Because Luka thought she was Adele for all of the first book. But in the very beginning of this one, he gets to know that she is not Adele. And I loved it so much. So glad it was out in the open right away. So happy to read about how he felt about it too, because he did notice that she was different from the Adele he knew the year before, and I loved how he cared for Yael, once he realized she wasn't Adele. How he was confused about it, yet never mean or anything like that.

I can't deal with how amazing this book was. And I'm sure I'm not describing it all that well. Ack. But yeah. I loved it oh so much. I loved getting to know Yael more, see more about her past. I loved reading about the few people who loved her too. Her found-family was the best. It broke my heart how much Yael has lost, and is still losing. She deserved the whole world. Sad face. I also sort of liked reading about Felix's past, though it didn't make me love him, sadly. I'm still mad at him. Hmph. I didn't like his ending. Sigh.

But we also got to see more of Luka's past. And gah. I can't love this book anymore than I do after this book. He's just the best. I loved reading about how he grew up, though it broke my heart, because his dad was so mean. Hmph. I loved how Luka changes a bit in this book. I love how he just always gets better. And I loved that he quit smoking, lol. I shipped Yael and Luka so much. And I loved reading about them together. I loved reading about how they got closer, became better friends too. Just so amazing.

There is just so much happening in this book. I can't share all of it. It is so exciting and heartbreaking and evil. I loved every moment of it. Thank you for writing this perfect book Ryan. <3 You are the best. I loved reading about the war, how they tried to stop Hitler, and getting to know so many secrets. So awesome. Blood For Blood was perfection. Everything I wanted in a final book. It broke my heart into a million pieces, but I still love it the most. You must all read this gorgeous book. You will love it too. I promise.


  1. Oh this sounds so good! I need to read Wolf by Wolf. I tried to find it at Book Depo and couldn't find it. Bah. Anyway, I'm really interested to read this now!

  2. I am so happy you love the conclusion! I was shipping Felix and Yael in the first book (weird I know...xD) I wasn't a fan of Luka tbh. I'm looking forward to learning more about his and Yael's past, but a little worried about all this heart break you mention. Beautiful review. <3

  3. Oh gosh. I am scared about this heartbreaking ending you talked about. O_O But I'm really excited about what you said about Yael and Luka. Crossing my fingers that the ending isn't what I think it is. O_O

    Great review, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Ee! I'm so glad you loved this Carina!! I haven't read Wolf By Wolf yet, but hopefully sooner than later. :)

  5. Sounds like an emotional read, Carina! Glad to hear you loved it in spite of it breaking your heart. Great review! :)

  6. Ugh, I finished this book weeks ago and I'm still not over the ending! For why?! :( Still, I agree it was really good.

  7. I'm so jealous hahaha! I'm dying to know what happens with the Luca-Yael-Adele situation (I do not like Adele). I'm glad you liked it, it's probably going to be awesome! I'm obsessively counting days. :)


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