
Saturday, May 7, 2016

In My Mailbox #236

Sigh. Last week I got to read Nevernight. And this week I got to read Foxheart. EEE! Feeling so happy about that. <3 It means the most to me. Sigh. This week I also turned 23 :D On May 3rd. I had a good day. <3 Cake. Good food. And then I saw Captain America: Civil War too. It was good. I love Tony the most. But.. well. I was waiting for a main character to die. And then he didn't die. And I am SO DISAPPOINTED. Ugh. Anyway :D I got some pretty birthday gifts from my family. <3 Though I have such a small one, so nothing too much. But awesome giftcard from mom. Anyway. I'm still a lot of sad about everyone going to BEA; to have lots of fun and meet all the authors and get all the books, that I will not get at all, sobs. Makes me a bit sad. Sigh. Wishing I could go too :) I want those books the most, lol. But yeah. I shall try to just be happy for you all :) I managed to read two books this week as well. One three star. Sigh. But next one was a five star, so that makes me happy :D YAY! And also lots of posts this week. I took part in the Invision Blog Tour. <3 I shared my review of Summer Days and Summer Nights :) This week I'm waiting on Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil :D I took part in the Shuffle, Repeat Blog Tour :D Where I shared my full review. And gosh. Then I got to read Foxheart. <3 My precious. My Book Collection this week are books by J. A. White :D I had a good week. Though I'm still sick, so I feel pretty awful. Ugh. I hope to read lots next week, as I have so many books I wish to read :D Also, gosh. I am so behind on commenting. So sorry. A whole week behind. I shall try my best to comment this weekend.

Six books. One hardcover, five ARCs. International. Ends 05/15.

Harry Potter. This poster coloring book thingy is gorgeous. I'm unsure if I shall try coloring in it, though.
The Raven King. Yess. Hardcovers finally arrived :D And they are so gorgeous. Now waiting for signed.
The Hidden Oracle. Eee, new book by Rick :D I need to re-read all of Percy Jackson first, though. Soon.
iZombie + Pan. I love iZombie so much. Had to own season one, lol. And so excited to see Pan soonish :D
Wonder Woman. Eee! Thank you so much Allison at Random House :D This one seems pretty awesome.
Zootopia. More of my precious collection is arriving :D Still more to buy, though. <3 These are stunning.
Plushes. Those two cuties I got from my sister. A bit expensive, ack, but I wanted them. They are cute.
Mindee Arnett Bookmarks. Eee! Thank you so much Mindee :D These are so precious and gorgeous.
Pop Figures. Lots more figures :D They are gorgeous. Now just missing the special edition Harry Potter ones. Own all the other ones :D Stunning. Still need Flash and Spot; getting them soonish :) Love them.

Foxheart. EEE! I read this one right away. And I loved it the most. Was so excited about it :D Love it.
Three Dark Crowns. Still want print ARC. Sniffs. But SO SO excited to read this book :D Cannot wait.
Going Wild. A bit unsure about this one, but I do think it seems pretty amazing. I cannot wait to read it.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. The Raven King is beautiful and I'm so jealous you've got two copies! Also, I've heard so many good things about Blake's latest and am so excited to see what you make of it since I love myself a good, dark fantasy. Happy reading, Carina! :)

  2. You have the same birthday as my sister :D Happy belated birthday girl! I also got Three dark crowns, sounds so good! I am rereading The raven cycle right now and I'm so anxious to get started in The raven king.

    Happy reading :)

  3. Ooo, great choices from Edelweiss! I also got Three Dark Crowns. It'll be my first Kendare Blake read, and I'm pretty excited. I know how much you enjoy the author's books.

    I hope you enjoy all of your new books, and have a wonderful week, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Enjoy your haul this week, Carina. I had such a hard time with The Raven King. Boo. I hope you'll love it.

  5. Great haul! :) Foxheart sounds so great and not just because I love foxes! :D
    I started watching iZombie last week and it's amazing. I love all those little Veronica Mars references! :)

  6. I'm excited and nervous for The Raven King! She better leave Gansey alone! Nice to hear you had a great birthday, and yay for a 5 star read! Happy reading, Carina! :)

  7. Happy belated birthday, dear!! It sounds like you had an awesome day! OH, I need to see the new Captain America movie. So excited for that. I love the HP coloring book and so very excited for Three Dark Crowns and Foxheart! I was glad to hear that you loved Foxheart so much!

  8. Happy belated birthday!! I'm quite jealous that you've read Nevernight. I am in serious need of that book and I sort of want to roll around with the cover.

    Excellent haul!


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