
Friday, May 27, 2016

Book Recommendation: Wolf By Wolf by Ryan Graudin

I love this book so much. And I'm thrilled that I finally got to re-read it, eee. Because, gosh, I adore this book. It is heartbreaking and so amazing. The writing is gorgeous. The characters are so well written and exciting and they break my heart all the time. I'm not sure how to write a second review for this one. So I probably won't write all that much. I just want to share my love of it once more, since I read it again. And I feel like not that many people have read this one yet. Hmph. And you need to. Read it. Right away. Now.

Wolf By Wolf is told from the point of view of Yael. A special girl who has been hurt a lot, many years ago. This tells of a story if Hitler had won the war. And gosh. It is pretty brutal and horrifying. This is not a world I would have liked living in. And it could have been ours right now, which is pretty awful to think about. So glad that Hitler is over with. But I still fear for our future. Sigh. But anyway. This was just a story. A very amazingly written story. The story of a girl who is trying her best to get rid of Hitler. I loved her journey.

This story is about Yael having been in a camp when she was young. She was experimented on. She was hurt and stuck by needles so often. Reading about her past was heartbreaking yet so amazing and well written. I loved learning about who Yael was. She is now grown, and she is with people who want Hitler gone. She has had a good life these past years, and I love that. But she's still broken. Which is just so heartbreaking. Sniffs. But she's also so strong. I love how amazing she was. How she tried so hard.

Yael got some powers after everything the doctor did to her when she was young. She can now change her face and body, to look like anyone. Which was so awesome to read about. Yet also sad, because she doesn't remember her own look, and that breaks my heart. Sniffs. But yeah. Yael is awesome. I loved her powers. I loved how her tattoos of wolves never get changed, when the rest of her changes. And I loved getting to know about the people who meant the most to her. I hated how most of them were dead. Ahh.

There is so much happening in this one. Most of it is about a motorcycle race between twenty teenagers. And gosh, it was amazing to read about. So many deaths. So much road rash. So much time spent on the road, and trying to win, and ahh. It was so, so exciting. Everything about this book was exciting and amazing and so sad. I love how Yael has to pretend to be someone else. Pretend to be Adele, a previous victor of the race. She knows everything about her, except for her relationships. Ack. I liked Felix a lot.

I'm having such a hard time figuring out what else to say about this precious book. I think it ruined my mind this second time I read it, lol. But I'm okay with that. Because I love this book so much. Despite how much it hurts my heart. Despite how evil that ending is. Ack. There is a little bit of romance. A few small gorgeous kisses. The most awesome boy. Yet it is filled with lies. Ack. But I ship Yael and Luka so much. They are so cute together, despite, you know, Luka not knowing that Yael is not Adele, lol. A bit painful.

I was lucky enough to win an ARC of the sequel, and final book, Blood For Blood. Which is why I'm finally re-reading this one. Ack. I shall read it right away. And I'm so excited. Yet also very nervous, because I have peeked, lol. But so excited even so. It's going to be amazing. I think I will love it lots. Fingers are crossed. I'm just so in love with this book. It's gorgeous and amazing and so different. Yael means the world to me. She's broken and perfect and oh so gentle-hearted. I adore her the most. She's awesome.


  1. Ooo, this one sounds REALLY good. I can’t wait to start it! Hope you like the sequel as much as you did the first book! Happy reading :)

    Rabiah @ Confessions of a Readaholic

  2. Wow this sounds like a really stunning book! I've seen it all over the internet but haven't thought about reading it before. Now I really want to read it, because of how much you adore this book. Thank you so much for this great review!

  3. I really need to read this! So many of you have been recommending this!


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