
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #234

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:  

What isn't written, isn't remembered. Even your crimes.

Nadia lives in the city of Canaan, where life is safe and structured, hemmed in by white stone walls and no memory of what came before. But every twelve years the city descends into the bloody chaos of the Forgetting, a day of no remorse, when each person's memories – of parents, children, love, life, and self – are lost. Unless they have been written.

In Canaan, your book is your truth and your identity, and Nadia knows exactly who hasn't written the truth. Because Nadia is the only person in Canaan who has never forgotten.

But when Nadia begins to use her memories to solve the mysteries of Canaan, she discovers truths about herself and Gray, the handsome glassblower, that will change her world forever. As the anarchy of the Forgetting approaches, Nadia and Gray must stop an unseen enemy that threatens both their city and their own existence – before the people can forget the truth. And before Gray can forget her.

Hardcover, 416 pages
Expected publication: September 13th 2016 by Scholastic Press
Pre-Order here and here

I really liked Rook by this author, and so I cannot wait to read this new book by her :D I think the plot sounds so exciting. Eeee. I'm so curious about this book. I'm crossing all my fingers that it will end up being amazing :) I think it will. Just, yeah. Wishing I could read it right away. So excited for this book.
What are you waiting for on this forgetful Wednesday?


  1. I hadn't seen this one yet! I've been meaning to try Cameron's books for a while now.

  2. Ooooh yess!! I am so intrigued about this book and the cover is LOVELY!!

  3. ohh, I understand you complitely when you say you wish you could read it today! :D
    It looks so good!

  4. Whoah whoah this looks totally awesome! I had never heard of it before, but this blub is so intriguing, I'm definitely adding it to my tbr right now! hope you enjoy
    here's my WoW!

  5. Sounds interesting and I love that cover. Never heard of it before. I have heard mixed things about Rook (doesn't the character have an odd name - if she doesn't, then it's another book I am thinking about). May have to check this one out!

  6. Great pick-- hope that you can read it and enjoy soon.

  7. This is a new one to me but it sounds really good! I LOVE that cover too ♥ Awesome pick, I hope you'll love it when you read it :)

  8. I still haven't read Rook. I really must! Enjoy this one, Carina. <3

  9. I am SO excited for this one too!! I really love Cameron's writing and concepts. Rook was a bit too slow for me, but this one sounds exceptional, and I wouldn't mind a slower pace. Great pick! :)

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

  10. This one is definitely one of my top must-haves this year. I adored her debut steampunk series, Dark Unwinding, and I really enjoyed Rook. Sharon Cameron never disappoints. And this one looks like an amazing premise (not to mention a stunning cover!!).


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