
Monday, April 18, 2016

Review: The Cabinet of Curiosities: 36 Tales Brief & Sinister

So glad that I finally decided to read this precious book. I can't believe it has almost been two years since it came out. Ack. I have been meaning to read it for so long, yet I kept putting it off. Hmph. Which I shouldn't have. Because these 36 stories were all amazing. Such a good book. So thrilled I finally read it.

This book is written by Claire Legrand, Stefan Bachmann, Katherine Catmull and Emma Trevayne. They all wrote amazing stories for this book. And eee. I enjoyed them all so much. I only fully loved a few of them, but I liked them all; everyone was rated three stars or higher. I just really liked these stories.

I have only read books by Claire and Emma so far, but I am so curious about reading books by Stefan and Katherine too. I do own a few of them. One day, I shall read them. So excited. I must admit to being the most excited about this book because of Claire Legrand. Whom I have loved for many years now, and I love all of her books. Eeek. I simply can't wait to read whatever she is writing next. She's such a favorite of mine. The kindest person and the most talented author. I loved her stories so much in this book. But I also loved all of the other stories too. I loved how amazing the writing was from all four authors. I loved how every story is short and awful and sometimes ends happily, but most often not. It was scary and fun to read. Loved it.

Since there are as many as 36 stories in this book, I am not going to rate and write a bit about each of them. Because that would take forever, lol. But I did rate them. And I can say that twelve stories were given three stars. Nineteen stories were given four stars. Sadly, only five stories were given five stars. Which is why I'm rating the book on a whole with four stars. But oh, I did love all of the stories. I just didn't fully love them. But they were all well written and amazing and exciting. So glad I read them all.

But how do I even talk about this book, without talking about all the different stories? Ack. I will try my best. I just, wow. I liked all the stories so much. They are so dark. There are so many different types of children. Mean ones. Kind ones. Unlucky ones. Most of the stories ends badly. And I really loved it lots, because they were scary and awful and so good. A couple of the stories do have happy endings, though, for some, lol. And I loved those a lot as well. Some of the stories were a bit sad, and I loved that too.

Some of these stories I remember more than others. Like the story about the boy inside a whale, and what happened when a ship found him alive. Shudders. It was creepy and mean and it broke my heart a little. Such a good story. I loved every story by Claire, but especially about Quicksilver, and I cannot wait to read the book that have been written just about her, eee, which will be out later this year, and is called Foxheart. Gosh. It is going to be the very best. Love that one of these stories will be a full book.

Another story that I loved a lot was about a girl who was lucky. Yet everyone around her was unlucky, and so many awful things happened to them all. Shudders. It was very short, and did not have a happy ending, for other people, lol, but I liked it lots. Interesting and creepy. All of these stories were really interesting and creepy. There was a story about a cute dog, and bad flowers. I liked that one so much too. Just, ugh. I don't know what else to say about these stories. They were amazing. And horrifying.

Though this book have been out for almost two years now, I have not heard that much about it. Hmph. Which is making me a bit upset, lol, because this book was incredible. And I need you all to read and love it. The Cabinet of Curiosities was exciting and creepy and I loved every moment of it. So many amazing stories. Written by awesome authors. So many different children, and I fell in love with almost all of them. I want another book like this by these authors. Eee. I need it. Would read it in a heartbeat.

I think you should all read this book. Because all of the stories are amazing and so important to read. I'm not sure I would recommend it for young children, lol, as they are pretty scary, but then again, I would have loved to read this as a child, despite not reading when I was one. Sad face. But yes. This book is amazing. And you must all read it. You will love it, like I did. Because the stories are so good. The writing is so good. There is also a little bit of gorgeous artwork inside. The authors are amazing too.


  1. I don't usually read short stories. But this series of them sounds good. Glad you got to read this.

  2. I don't do many short stories, but does sound like quite the range of personalities

  3. Wow, I actually haven't heard a lot about this one either, despite its having come out 2 years ago. It's great you loved it so much! I usually shy away from short stories, but I think it's a pretty great proportion that you absolutely loved about 1/6th of the stories.

  4. Added. And possibly going to buy it tomorrow. I absolutely love creepy stories and this makes me so excited! Awesome review! :D


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