
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Preview Review: Shuffle, Repeat by Jen Klein

When Anna contacted me about this book, I was a bit unsure. Since it isn't really my genre. But I thought it looked so cute and seemed pretty good. I was curious. And I must say that I am glad that I read it. It is a three star for me, but oh, I did like it a whole bunch. It was such a quick read too, which I liked a lot.

This will only be a very short preview review, as I shall post my full one in a few weeks, for the blog tour. Thank you so much to Anna for letting me take part in it. I'm excited. When I started this book, I thought I would not like it, because I did not like the beginning. But I did not quit. And I ended up liking it lots. Truly.

The writing is pretty good, not the best, but I enjoyed it. I liked reading about June and her life as a senior. This book takes place over the whole school year, which I liked, though I wouldn't have minded it it had been a bit longer as well. I'm giving it three stars, because I had some issues with the fact that June had a boyfriend at the beginning of the book. It wouldn't usually have bothered me so much, but, well, June did not treat him right. I didn't like how she acted at times. But I did grow to like her a lot. So happy about that. And I loved the boy she drives to school with each day, Oliver, so very much. He's cute and fun. I loved getting to know him. And reading about him and June together was pretty fun, for the most part. I liked them.

Anyway. I just wanted to share a little bit about this book before I publish my full review in a few weeks. I liked it a lot, but I also did not love it, because of some small issues I had. But I am glad that I read it. And I very much treasure my print ARC of this book. It's so pretty. I do think you should all read this one. Because I ended up enjoying Shuffle, Repeat a whole bunch, and I'm sure you all will like it too. It was cute, most of the time, with a bit of drama. But nothing too big, and zero angst. I enjoyed reading this.


  1. Yeah. I know you have a tough time with contemporary, so it's great that you gave this one a chance.

  2. I am glad to hear you read and enjoyed this one even though it isn't your normal genre. :) Thanks for sharing- I am looking forward to reading your full review.

  3. Well good for you for trying this one out despite it being outside your comfort zone - It's good that your chance paid off and you ended up enjoying this one overall! I'll look forward to your full review for this one in the weeks to come.

  4. Sorry to hear this didn't knock your socks off, Carina, but glad to hear you enjoyed it overall. Wonderful review! :)

  5. This isn't really my genre either but I think I might give it a try! I enjoy light-hearted and not too plot-heavy books sometimes, and this seems like one. I'm also intrigued by the music aspect of it. Looking forward to your full review, Carina :)


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