
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Preview Review: And I Darken by Kiersten White

Gosh, this book. How do I even begin to share about it. I was nervous yet so excited about reading it. So many have loved it. And I wanted to love it too. So thankful to Cassie at Random House for letting me take part in the blog tour and for letting me read this book early via Netgalley :D So glad that I read it.

This is only going to be a preview review, where I share a bunch of my thoughts about the book, but nothing really spoilery about it at all. I will be sharing my full review for the blog tour, on July 6th. Which seems forever away, lol, so sharing a bit of what I thought about the book right away. Sharing much more in July.

I knew from the very first page that I would love this book. Because the writing was gorgeous. And I have such huge issues with writing when I read, lol. It needs to be amazing for me to love a book. And gosh. This writing was so good. And I fell quickly in love with the story and the characters. So glad I read this book. I loved it from beginning to end. Okay, the ending was mean. But I liked it. The reason for why this is a four star is because I had some issues with the romance. It bothered me so much. But I also loved it lots and ugh. I'm conflicted. But no matter what, I loved the book. And the characters. Ahh. They were amazing. I loved getting to read about this world. It was written so well and I fell in love with everything. Sigh.

This is the story of Lada. And her brother, Radu. The story begins with them being born, and it continue with them growing up for about half the book. I thought it might bother me, but it did not. Reading about their life was amazing. Oh. Lada is the most fierce girl. At first I thought I disliked her, lol, but my mind changed. And I love her the most. I like Radu too. Sort of. Just, so many characters. Such an amazing world. Such a stunning book. I loved it so much. More thoughts about it in my full review.

What I will post in July will be longer and different. You should really check out my review then. Ack. Because I really, really had a lot of thoughts about this book. And I shared so little of them right now. But yeah. I do hope you will all end up getting this book and reading it and loving it like I did. I just wish I had the lovely print ARC version. Ack. I shall hunt for it, hih. And simply cannot wait for the hardcover to come out at the end of June. It will look so gorgeous, I'm sure of it. The cover is so pretty. I love it.


  1. I really enjoyed this one too Carina! I thought it was really unique especially because of the historical period it was based around. I loved the details White included and thought it was her strongest book yet. So glad you liked it too!

  2. A "mean ending" sounds like an epic cliffhanger. Gah. So glad you loved this one, C. I just saw a different cover for this one that looks so much fiercer than this. I don't know from which country though. Might be UK. Anyway, I'm sure you'll find yourself a copy of it. Hahahah! You big collector, you. <3

  3. I'm also really nervous about this one! I've seen so many people either love it or hate it that I pushed it further down my TBR but maybe I was wrong to do that?

  4. Yay!! I've been hearing Kiersten talk about this book for so long that I can't wait to finally read it. Your preview review has me even more excited. I'll have to bump it up the list a bit.


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