
Saturday, April 30, 2016

In My Mailbox #235

New blog header this week :D I wanted a change. And I loooove the picture that I took of many of my favorite books, lol :D It is so gorgeous. Yes? But ahh, I am a bit annoyed about it too. I cannot manage to edit the edges, and I want them gooooone. Anyone who are good at editing and would like to help me? Please let me know :) Anyway. I had a good week. Only read two books this week, but daaamn, one of them was Nevernight :D And oh my good. It was perfect. But now I don't want to read any other books at all, lol :D I did a little bit of blogging this week. I shared my preview review of Shuffle, Repeat :) This week I'm waiting on Heartless :D I neeeed it. <3 Then I shared my review of Nevernight <3 Oh, I loved it so much. This week my Book Collection post is books by Kendare Blake :D Whom I love. <3 I also got a bunch of gorgeous books this week. Lots of pre-orders :D But still waiting on many, sigh. <3 I had a good week. But I'm also sick, which is the wooorst. And I am so, so sad, because I want the ARCs on my Wishlist more than anything, and there is no way I can get them, and ahh, it hurts my heart. Sad face.

Six books. One hardcover, five ARCs. International. Ends 05/15.

The Star-Touched Queen. Eee, soon I will get to read this book too. I hope I will end up loving it lots :)
Nevernight. Ahh! Thank you so much Katie at the UK publisher :D I LOVED this ARC so, so very much.
Let the Wind Rise. YAY! I loved book one and two. I shall read this precious book pretty soon, I hope :)
The Raven King. Ahh. I am nervous. Soonish re-reading the first books. <3 Love my signed bookplate :D
Soldier. I adore Julie. She's awesome. Have yet to read book one, but I have all three now. So pretty :D
The Rose & The Dagger. Yay! I can now finally read book one, lol. I hope to love these books so much.
Down with the Shine. I adored this book so very much :D And the finished copy is all kinds of gorgeous.
The Masked Truth. Thank you so much Suzanne for your awesome giveaway :D Cannot wait to read this.
The Winner's Curse. I.. I ordered the new covers. Ugh. Amazon made a mistake. But they will re-ship :D
Zootopia. Another cute Zootopia book, hih :D I cannot wait to buy more and more of them. <3 Adorable.
In the Heart of the Sea. I liked this movie a lot months back. I'm pretty excited to re-watch it soon :)
Harry Potter. Ahh, these postcards are tiny and adorable and I love them :D I will just look at them, lol.
Pop Figures. My first Alice in Wonderland pop :D I want them all. The Queen is awesome. And gosh. My very first Pocket pops too. Heavy and adorable. I need more. Same size as the key chains. Gah. So cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Wow, that some amazing book haul Carina. I seriously don't visit your blog enough. I'm good with editing and graphic what edges are we talking about? Can I help you at all? Let me know @nverjudgeabook on Twitter if you want! :)

  2. I love the new header! I made a new one too! :) :) The edges? You mean you only want the books displayed without the space at the sides? You will have to take a picture with the fronts right so that they are parallel to the sides. Not sure I am making sense - but that is how you can get rid of the edges. But then you won't have up side of the books on the picture, just the back titles on the neck of the book. Either way, let me know if you need help :) ;) x great haul!

  3. LOVE the new header, lovely! I DNF'd TSTQ, it wasn't working for me at all. :( Awesome collection of Illuminae, I can't wait for the sequel!

  4. Love the HP postcards! You always get the best things in your mailbox. :)

  5. The Raven King and The Rose and The Dagger! I also already have them, but I am so nervous to read them! I'm not emotionally ready *sobs* Those pops figure are so cutee<3

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

  6. Your new header is lovely! And you always post the most epic mailbox hauls, it's awesome! You have so many wonderful things in the mail this week, thank you for sharing ^__^

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles


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