
Saturday, April 2, 2016

In My Mailbox #231

This week I only read one book and one short story. Ugh. I want to read more. But it is so hard, when all I wish to read are books that aren't out yet. Hmph. I'm just waiting for Harper to upload to Edelweiss :D Eeee. Last year it happened in early April. So I'm crossing my fingers for next week. If all my books how up there, I will be reading a whole bunch of books :) And I simply cannot wait. With Easter and all, there have been so many movies on the tv, and I have seen so much, lol. So have been distracted with that as well. A bit behind again on commenting. Sad face. But I shall get there. Shortly. Yesterday and today I also sorted more books, to take new pictures of some I'm trying to sell. Fingers crossed someone will buy them. And taken more book collections pictures too. I am exhausted, lol. I do love my blog posts this week a whole bunch. I shard my review of The Stars Never Rise :) It was a bit meh. Sigh. This week I'm waiting on The Peculiar Night of the Blue Heart. <3 I took part in the very lovely The Mirror King Blog Tour :D I shared my mini review of The Black Knife. <3 Posted my newest Book Collection :D This time by Veronica Rossi. <3 Been five weeks already. Ahh. Time is moving way too fast. This week I got some pretty stunning mail. <3 So happy with it all :) Next week I might end up with a lot of Pop figures.. heh. And more movies too :) I took some gorgeous pictures of my cat about a week ago, when we had just gotten more snow. Now it is all gone.  Sad face. Well, still tons of snow, just nothing on the road and such :) Love how light it is outside for hours now, though. Yay for that. What did you get this week?

International Twitter Giveaway of a Swag Pack. Ends 04/11.
The Orphan Queen + The Mirror King. International. Ends 04/21.

The Winner's Kiss. YAY! My hardcovers have arrived :D I love this book so, so much. These are stunning.
The Winner's Crime. At first I hated the new covers. But now I really love them. This is so so pretty :D
Plus One. EEEK! Thank you so, so much Elizabeth for these signed books :D I love this book oh so much.
His Dark Materials Trilogy. I love this series the most. Want all editions. These paperbacks are pretty.
Lots of Movies. Not mentioning them all, just, lots of awesome on blu-ray :) New littlefoot movie. <3
Zootopia. My collection is starting, lol. Owning a few books, wanting tons more :D These are so cute.
Meet the Croods. This book was much smaller than I thought it would be. Huh. Only a few short pages.
Baymax. YAY! My new metallic Baymax is oh so cute. I adore him. Just want the limited editions too :)

Quote Cards by Jodi Meadows. EEEK! Thank you so much Jodi :D I love love love all the precious I got for pre-ordering The Mirror King. <3 Cannot wait to get my regular copy and signed copy. <3 So very happy.
Signed Plus One Copies. Oh gosh. Thank you so, so much Beth :D You are the sweetest person I know. <3 Gosh. Thank you so much for sending me these special books :) All the love. <3 I adore them the most.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I didn't even finish a book this week! How sad is that? Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy your goodies. :)

  2. Do you like the Winner's Curse pb? How's it look in person? I should get them all at some point. I've not even bought The Winner's Kiss yet. Need to do that. I hope you enjoy all the books!

  3. So many pretty books this week for you. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  4. For one week I would LOVE to have your mailbox. So much fun to get all these goodies in the mail. :) Looks like you got some great things in the mail!

  5. Subtle Knife sounds good-- happy reading and have a great week.

  6. I love your copies of Rutkoski's books! I don't really like the new paperback covers but I love the serires so much, it doesn't matter to me. :D I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a lovely week, Carina. :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  7. Lots of great goodies there! I translated BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP book years ago for the readers in my country and it was quite popular!

  8. Oooooh!! Kitty is so cute! Little snow princess. :)


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