
Friday, February 5, 2016

News: Wires & Nerve by Marissa Meyer

Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to share about this amazing news. I adore Marissa Meyer the very most. And this makes me SO HAPPY. Wires & Nerve  I have never read a graphic novel before, but I really should do so. I will be reading Wires & Nerve in a heartbeat. They are two stories, unsure if the titles are Wires and then Nerve, or if it is just the title for book one. Either way, I'm super excited. These two graphic novels will be told from the point of view of Iko. MY PRECIOUS GIRL. EEEE :D I cannot wait. It will be stories that takes place after Winter, but before the Stars Above epilogue. Which I haven't read yet, as my copies have yet to arrive. Ugh. But hopefully tomorrow. Can't wait. Either way, I cannot wait to get to read about Iko :D She is so adorable. And all the other characters will be there. And there might be romance. And goddamn it. It will be perfect. And stunning artwork. And ahhhh. I cannot wait :D The most excited. This is the best news. It isn't possible to pre-order this precious first graphic novel yet, but adding the links to were it will show up in a few months, I think :) I am also dyyying to see a cover of this one :D It shall be gorgeous, I'm sure of it. I just. I love that Marissa is writing more from this world. I hope she never stops. Fingers crossed. <3 What do you think of these news? Will you read it? :)

Quote from Marissa Meyer's website

The first of two graphic novels in the world of the Lunar Chronicles, featuring many of the Lunar Chronicles characters, including Iko, the android; Cinder, the teen cyborg who has a wicked stepmother; Scarlet, the space pilot who works with street-fighter Wolf; Cress, the hacker who is imprisoned like some satellite Rapunzel; and Winter, the princess who loves a commoner.


  1. I also got sooo excited when I came across this news. The Lunar Chronicles is one of those series I wouldn't mind reading more of or maybe over and over!!

    czai @ the Blacksheep Project

  2. I am really excited about this news. I don't normally read graphic novels, but I love Iko way too much to skip them.


  3. Oh man, I can't wait!!! Thanks for sharing this, Carina!


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