
Saturday, February 13, 2016

In My Mailbox #224

This week went by so fast. And I only managed to read one book. Sigh. I just haven't been feeling very well, and have not felt like reading at all. Which is depressing. But I really hope that will change fast. I wish to read Stars Above tomorrow. And I shall try my best to do so. <3 Hospital on Tuesday went okay, but so far not feeling any better after getting more medicine. Sigh. Also need to go to local doctor to get her to have a look at my most-likely infection. I'm just so tired of being sick all the time. It sucks. So feeling a bit depressed. But yeah. I do hope to want to read more shortly :) I also got some pretty books this week. <3 Waiting on lots, still, but starting to think a lot of it is lost in the mail. Which just sucks. I blogged a bit this week :) I read Salt to the Sea. <3 I shared the review I wrote in November for Riders :) This week I'm waiting on the stunning Lady Midnight. <3 Then I shared the cover for Metaltown :) I need to be better at reading. I just hope to feel better so that I may want to read as well. Mostly my fingers hurt, and I don't feel like holding anything. Not even my iPad. Ugh. But anyway. I did have a good week even so :) Just wish it had been better. Hopefully next one will be. What did you get this week?

Starflight by Melissa Landers Swag Pack. International. Ends 02/16.

Stars Above. Finally got my two gorgeous hardcovers. <3 Reading this one soon :D It is the most pretty.
Fairest. And these two paperbacks too :D They are so pretty. Oh, how I love this book. It is so amazing.
Rebel of the Sands. I very much adored this book. And so I had to buy this UK paperback of it too :)
Ravenous. This book is so cute and awesome. I must read the long novella inside it soon. <3 So excited.
Monstrous. I adored this book too. And yay for it being out in paperback. <3 My collection is so pretty.
Merida. I just had to buy these two new books. I adore Merida aka Brave. And these books are so cute.
Ladybug. Bought these things at a store as they are SO Miraculous Ladybug :D Eee. I couldn't not buy :)
Bookmarks. More GORGEOUS from Happy Hello :D Eee! I am so thrilled with them all. I now own so many of these bookmarks. Have all the Princess ones. <3 And now Fangirl. And Falling Kingdoms :D All so cute.

Wild Swans. I requested this gorgeous book via Netgalley, and so happy that I got approved. Was declined via Edelweiss first, lol. I don't really read much of this genre, but I think this book seems pretty amazing, and it looks so pretty, and I can't wait to read it. I really hope and think that I will end up loving it :)

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I had a rough week as well, C. But I hope you'll feel better soon. Oh I need to pick up a copy of Stars Above!

    Great haul. :D

  2. I hope you will be feeling much better very soon Carina dear! *hugs*
    I also got my UK copy of Rebel of the Sands this week and it's so shiny!

  3. Wild Swans sounds good, hope that you enjoy and have a good upcoming week.

  4. Girl, I hope you feel better this week! Less tests and whatnot, hopefully things are getting better for you. <3 Enjoy all of your lovely books, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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