
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Cover Reveal: Foxheart by Claire Legrand

EEE! I am the most excited for this precious book :D I love Claire Legrand the very most. She has written so many amazing books already and I have loved all of them. So much. She is such a big favorite of mine. Favorite author, favorite person. As she is always so kind and sweet too. I adore her. And oh my gosh, I am SO excited about this new book of hers :D Foxheart seems amazing. It looks SO CUTE. The cover is gorgeous. I love the girl and the boy and the fox. So adorable. I haven't read her short stories yet, so I don't know Quicksilver, but ahh, I shall be reading The Cabinet of Curiosities very soon, and I cannot wait to get to know this lovely girl. She sounds awesome. And this book sounds so good. And I just. I simply cannot wait to read it. I LOVE that it is by Harper :D Which means it will show up on Edelweiss soonish, I hope. Cause waiting for October might be torture. What do you think of the cover?

Hundreds of years ago, the Wolf King united the seven kingdoms of the Star Lands and began his Hunt, endeavoring to kill all the witches in the land. With seven enchanted wolves by his side, he has nearly eradicated witchcraft from the Star Lands, and the people worship him as a kind savior.

But when a man matching the Wolf King’s description attacks the convent where twelve-year-old Quicksilver has been raised, she quickly realizes the king is not who they thought he was.

Now running for her life, Quicksilver finds herself face to face with an older version of herself named Anastazia. Together with a young thief-in-training named Sly Boots and her dog, Fox, Quicksilver hurtles back through time in an attempt to dethrone the Wolf King before his Hunt is complete.

Full of magic, adventure, and an original and compelling cast of characters, FOXHEART is a fast-paced fantasy reminiscent of HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE.


  1. Ooo, great cover! I've only read one book by this author and sadly, I think I gave it 1 star. Still, I LOVE that she can balance MG and YA so well. Great post, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. What a beautiful cover! I haven't read anything by her yet- but I do have 4 of her books on my list already. Now I will have to add this one. It looks and sounds so good. :)

  3. You're right, sooooo gorgeous (her covers always are!). Though I must admit, I have NOT read any of her books yet D: I do really want to and I think I will really love them, just based off of their premises and off of reviews (yours primarily :))

  4. Clair Legrand always does get THE MOST GORGEOUS covers! Every single one,...breathtaking. I love this one, so whimsical and I love all the foxes. Can't wait to read this.

  5. what an amazing cover! It's breathtaking!

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading

  6. This is such a gorgeous 6 precious cover!! So fitting for a Claire Legrand book! Thank you for sharing sweetie!


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