
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Review: Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton

I have been excited about reading this book for a while now; as I have heard many awesome things about it. And it looks so pretty. And then I was able to trade for an ARC with Brittany. Eee. Thank you so much. So thrilled to have been able to read this book already. I ended up enjoying this book a lot. So happy.

I'm unsure what to say about this one. My mind is a bit broken at the moment. But I'm trying my best. And I just. Oh. I liked this book a lot. It is pretty short, only three hundred pages, and I wish it had been so much longer. It is also all kinds of amazing. I'm giving it four stars. I pretty much loved it. So glad I read it.

The writing is gorgeous. So thrilled that I loved it. It is written in a good way and I connected with the main girl right away. Which pleases me very much. I liked the characters a lot. And I found the story to be so exciting. Though there was a lot of sand. Hmph. And not nearly enough kissing, lol. But I thought this book was all kinds of exciting and I loved getting to know new things. The big plot twist actually surprised me. I had thought it would be a different person, and I'm quite happy with being wrong. Yet also a bit disappointed too. But yeah. I loved the twist a lot. And it made a lot of sense too. And was done in a really good way. I was a bit nervous about reading it, as I hoped to love it, and was worried I wouldn't. But I did love it.

This is the story of Amani. Who is an amazing girl. I love how she's all kinds of talented with a gun. I love how she is all kinds of brave. And kind too, despite living with her uncle and aunt, who didn't seem that kind. I love how amazing she was, also despite having had the worst dad. I just thought she was an amazing girl. And I loved getting to read about her. I loved how she had to dress as a boy so often, and how amazing she was at it. She fooled so many, so often. Amani was all kinds of fierce. Which I loved.

This is a story about the desert. And some really bad people in charge of the place. With Amani getting caught up in something she had nothing to do with, and then ending up having to leave her home. Which I loved. But I hated the reason for why she had to leave. And I just. I want to know that her only friend was okay. I was never told. And I need to know. Sad face. I liked reading about Amani's life and how she got by each day. The desert seems like such an awful place to live, lol. I loved reading about it, though.

There are a bunch of characters in this book. I must be honest and say that my favorite was the boy, Jin. I simply loved getting to know him, despite not really getting to know him until much later in the book. He was just awesome. And cute. And I loved reading about him and Amani together. For a while there was just the two of them, but for such a short time, which made me a bit sad. Would have loved to read about them travelling the desert all alone. Because they are so much fun together. Adore them.

There wasn't that much romance in the book, though. But  a little bit. And it was cute. And I shipped Amani and Jin so badly. I also wanted more kissing. Hmph. There are other great characters too, but I'm not going to talk about those. Just know that I did enjoy reading about all of them. Some I disliked, some I liked. There are some mean things that happen in this book, but nothing too bad at all, and I liked that. Yet I would have loved to see more heartbreaking moments too. But I enjoyed every moment.

I'm not sure how I should mention other parts of the plot. Most of it is just travelling and some bad things happening while that happens. And getting to know other people. And some powers. Which was pretty awesome. But there are also creatures in this one. Dark ones. But they aren't seen that much, and I wish there had been a bit more about those. I think it will focus more on it on book two, which makes me so excited. Fingers crossed. Because these special creatures and people were all kinds of exciting.

I feel like I haven't said much about this book. That my review is a bit shorter than normal. But I just can't find more to say about it. I didn't fully love everything, but I liked the whole book. And I simply cannot wait for book two. Eeee. I need it right away, please, lol. Rebel of the Sands is such a special book. The characters are simply amazing. The story is so exciting and a bit dangerous. There is a lot of desert and guns. I enjoyed reading every moment of this book. And I think all of you would love it too.


  1. It looks like you enjoyed this one! It sure didn't look like that at first. I don't know about this one, though. You know me and fantasy. :D

  2. Yay!!! I'm so excited to read this! I'm sorry you didn't looove it, but I'm pretty pumped. :D

  3. This is one of my most anticipated novels for 2016. Yay! So glad you liked it. I'm particularly glad that you mentioned that this book has gorgeous writing. <3 That would make anything so much better. Really looking forward to this! Thanks for the review.

    Precious @ Fragments of Life

  4. I haven't got an ARC of this one, but I wish I had. Glad to hear you loved it!

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading

  5. Amani sounds like a great character and the sweet romance even if not a lot of it

  6. Amani sounds like a character who I would really like! I'm glad that you were able to enjoy this one overall Carina, and sorry there wasn't anymore kissing :(

  7. YAY! So happy to hear you loved this one sweetie! I have it preordered and I'm so excited to finally read it!
    And very happy that you could get to read this one early! Trades can be wonderful!


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