
Saturday, January 30, 2016

In My Mailbox #222

I.. well. I did not read more this week at all. I did read one book, but it was on Sunday, so it feels forever ago. But I have just not felt like reading at all. Which is so depressing. But I haven't felt like doing anything else either. So mostly I just sit here doing nothing. Sigh. I blame it on how badly I have been feeling for weeks now; my diseases are worse. It sucks. Hoping to feel better. And tomorrow I will read a book for sure. I need to. I hate being so behind. Sad face. Plus side, I have been commenting a lot more often, so not far behind at all. That makes me happy. But I'm also sad, because I hate that I can't read The Winner's Kiss. And seeing so many get that Lady Midnight ARC box is killing my heart. I can't deal with it. I want it the most. Sniffs. So sad. And jealous. Which just sucks. But that's the way I am :) I'm also upset that I got declined for Some Kind of Happiness for the seventh time. Ugh. I shall try again. Also so heartbroken about GFC removing a lot of my followers. Have gone down from 1070 to 949. Sobs. If you don't follow me there, it would mean the most to me if you could. <3 Anyway. I posted a little bit more this week. I posted my review of The Island, which was sadly a one star. Ugh. This week I'm waiting on Stars Above. <3 And then I shared the awesome cover for Nevernight :) I did get a lot of pretty mail this week. So happy with it all :D But still haven't gotten my print ARC of The Steep and Thorny Way. Which is worrying me. Oh, please let me get it next week. I want it so badly. So worried it won't arrive :p But it should. I'm still obsessed with Miraculous Ladybug. <3 I just wish there were things I could buy from it. Hmph. There will be toys in August, and I simply cannot wait. Eee. So anyway. My health is the worst. But still feeling happy. Just sad about a few things :) What did you get this week?

Pre-Order Giveaway of Joyride by Anna Banks. International. Ends 02/02.

The Hobbit. This was on sale, and I had to buy it. I adore these movies. These stickers are so pretty.
Frozen. One more Frozen book, hih. I just adore buying these. This one is so cute. I adore this movie.
Zootopia. Only one I could pre-order. Ugh. I want the other books too. One day. Can't wait for the movie.
Hotel Transylvania 2. Eeee. So happy to have this gorgeous movie on blu-ray, finally. Must re-watch it :)
The Dark Days Club. I'm so excited to read this book soonish. Heard so many amazing things :D YAY!
Winter. I finally found the stunning and soft international paperback editions of this book. I love it lots.
These Broken Stars. I finally bought myself the US paperback :) Now just missing the pretty AUS one. <3
Mark of the Thief. Since I won book two, I had to buy this one :D I cannot wait to read them both soon.
Gustav Gloom 5 & 4. I forgot to buy the 5th. Ahh. Must re-read the first 3 books. Own all paperback too.
Joyride. Ahhh :D Thank you so much Anna for this giveaway. <3 Audiobook + swag is perfection. Love.
Ravenous Swag. This swag is so pretty. Adore these books. Thank you MarcyKate for pre-order swag. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. GFC has been removing followers everywhere. I think it will be a matter of time before they discontinue that service..

  2. That sucks about GFC. We'll always have Bloglovin'. Anyway, I hope you'll have a better week coming, C. <3

  3. Mark of the Thief and Rise of The Wolf were so good. I hope you love all of your new books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  4. You get such nice books! I loved The Dark Days Club, These Broken Stars. I lose about 40 followers on GFC, which isn't *terrible*, but I noticed for sure. :/ I hope you enjoy all of your new books, Carina!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous weekend. :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. I hope you LOVE The Dark Days Club! I think you will. Be sure to let me know what you think after you read it? Lovely haul as always Carina.

  6. The Dark Days Club sounds so good! Happy reading! :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  7. Castiel!! :D

    Oh wow, I love the Monstrous/Ravenous swag. I need posters of those two covers, they are both so gorgeous.
    Ugh, the GFC thing makes me angry. I've lost nearly 300 followers so far. :(
    All of your new goodies look so amazing, and I can't wait to see Zootopia! Have a great week, Carina!

  8. Sorry you have been not feeling well. I hope you will feel better next week.

    I was surprised by the GFC things when in an hour I noticed I went down over 200 followers. I didn't realize they were no longer allowing people without gmail to follow using GFC.

    Looks like you got some great things in the mail.

    On another note- sorry you have had trouble publishing on our blog. I am not sure why but I hope to look into it. Sometimes when I have trouble commenting on a blog I click "Preview" first and then publish and it works. Thanks for still trying. :)

  9. Oh these are some great books though Carina, I wish I was getting as much book mail as you were! And I really hope you feel better this week and read some amazing books!

  10. Ohhh the pretty Dark Days Club! I've got it sitting on my nightstand and I am just dying to read it--obligations stink sometimes. :) I hope you have a wonderful week, Carina!


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