
Saturday, January 23, 2016

In My Mailbox #221

This is depressing. I only posted one time this week, and it was a WoW post. Ugh. It's because I did not read a single book this week. Ahhh. Which makes me a bit sad. But I guess I needed the break? Probably. I shall try so hard to get to read a book this weekend. I just haven't felt like reading at all. Ahh. But this week has still been amazing. I got some gorgeous mail. Though I also got declined for Some Kind of Happiness for the sixth time. Ugh. And still no reason for why. I'm heartbroken. But there was also a new episode of The 100, which is still the best. <3 So much love. And.. I must admit to why I have been busy this week. Last Sunday I started watching a new cartoon show. Miraculous Ladybug. And I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. Found tons of fan art. And just loving it so. I have seen the seven episodes there are in English so far two times. Cannot wait to see them again, lol. But there are fifteen episodes in French.. I'm still considering watching those too. I think I will. Getting just one episode a week might kill me. Because damn it. This is the best show I have seen. Ladybug is the most awesome. And Cat Noir is killing me. So cute and fun. Which is why I haven't read. I don't think I will find a boy I love more than Cat Noir / Adrien, lol. I can't help it. He's the best. You must all watch this show, yeah? Do it. It's on Nickelodeon. Anyway. This week I only posted once. I'm waiting on Let the Wind Rise. <3 But yeah. I will read more from now on. Hopefully. I will try to, anyway :D What did you get this week?

Pre-Order Giveaway of Joyride by Anna Banks. International. Ends 02/02.

The Good Dinosaur. More gorgeous books from this awesome movie. They are just so cute. I love them.
Frozen. And another Frozen book too, hih. I just can't stop myself from buying them. <3 So adorable.
Burn. I enjoyed book one so much, and simply can't wait for this one. But it is so short. Ack. Sad face.
Kalahari. Ack. I have yet to read this book. But I had to own this new paperback edition too. Gorgeous.
A Darker Shade of Magic. This book is perfection. And this paperback edition is so pretty. I love it lots.
All the Rage. Yay for UK edition of this awesome book :D So gorgeous. And I love this book so much.
Wolf By Wolf. Thank you so much for trading this ARC with me Gabi :D Eeee! So happy. Love this one.
Bookmarks. More of these stunning bookmarks from etsy. <3 Winter ones. And more HP. And Annabeth.
Rise of the Wolf. Eeee. Thank you so much Jennifer :D Thrilled that I won this signed precious. Love.
Dragons. And more How To Train Your Dragon dragons. <3 They are just so precious. And tiny. Love.
Mulan. These gorgeous funko pops. I adore Mulan. I just wish they would make the boy too. <3 Stunning.
Yoshi and Mario Party. Some awesome new 3DS games I just had to buy. Hope I will love them lots :)
The Good Dinosaur. I bought more pretty figures :D And these are simply perfect. Love them the most.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Rise of The Wolf looks so very good. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Ahhh I've heard such good things about Wolf By Wolf! Happy reading. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  3. Great mail this week Carina!! Your kitty is so beautiful and soft looking. I really loved Wolf by Wolf. And ADSOM of course <3 Have a great week!

  4. Lovely new haul! I plan on binging A Darker Shade of Magic as long as the third book ends well! The ship sounds so adorable... it has to have a happy ending. :D
    Happy reading this week, love!

  5. I don't know what to tell you about Legrand's book! Maybe the eARC just wasn't meant to be. But you've got so many amazing novels pictured here! I hope you enjoy Burn especially. :D

    Have a fantastic weekend, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  6. You got so many new books! And the Mulan doll looks so cute.

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading

  7. So many pretty things!! Ah I love those bookmarks! I need to check out that store and get the Winter ones and probably end up buying a ton more lol. I also love the Mulan Pop---I haven't started seriously collecting these much yet, just picking up a few here and there. :) Have a great week, sweetie!


  9. Those magnetic bookmarks are so adorable. I also have a couple and I can't wait to get more :D MULAN FUNKO DOLL. AWESOME.

  10. Don't feel bad for not posting as often last week! It's not our job. :D

  11. Aweee, those Mulan POPs are so adorableee!! I hope you'll have a better reading week this week sweetie!


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