
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Book Recommendation: The Falconer by Elizabeth May

Ever since I first read this book in April last year I have wanted to re-read it. Yet I would not let myself until I could read the sequel as well, which I can finally do now. Because oh my. The ending of The Falconer is the cruelest cliffhanger. Which I adore so much. I loved re-reading this book. I was nervous about it, because I feared I wouldn't love it just as much as the first time I read it. But I did. And I might have loved it more. Sigh. This book is amazing. And such a fast read too. I couldn't put it down.

I do not know what to say about it, though. My mind is going a bit blank. I'm busy remembering that evil ending, lol. But I will think of something. Like those gorgeous covers. They are stunning. This time I read the UK paperback, and I adore it. Fits so well with the plot. And oh, I must mention that I adore the author. Elizabeth is all kinds of kind and amazing and awesome. I simply cannot wait to read more books by her. She's the best. I'm so glad that I get to read The Vanishing Throne tomorrow. So excited to start.

There is so much about this book that I love. I love that it is told from the point of view of Aileana. She is fierce. And amazing. I loved how she wanted vengeance after her mom got murdered by a faery a year ago. I love how she trained to kill them, how none of her friends know about it. I love how she fights. How angry she is. Though I love that she gets more soft near the end of the book. I just loved her the most. She's brave and sweet and kind and fierce. Also, her dad is the worst. I did not like him.

I adored getting to know Aileana's few friends. Like the very lovely Catherine. I hope there is more of her in the sequel. I thought she was an awesome friend. And I want to know more about her, please. She also has a brother, Gavin. They were all great friends. Some things happen. It may seem like a love triangle will form, but it does not, not even one bit. So I'm not worried about that in the next book. Okay, a little worried, but trying not to be. I did like Gavin a lot too. He was a great friend as well.

Then there was that very cute and tiny pixie, Derrick. Whom lives in Aileana's dressing room. He was all kinds of adorable. I love his love for honey. I adore their friendship, and how he wishes to protect her. He was pretty sweet. I just, I liked reading about Aileana's life. The time the book is set in, with so much historical things, like being improper and getting ruined. It was fun to read about. I loved it lots. Though hated how some talked about her. Hmph. Not okay. Mostly I just love this book a lot. So good.

I close my eyes and - just this once, in my ill state - I allow myself to briefly take comfort in his touch, the way his fingertips linger along my spine. I begin to understand why people seek intimacy, why they long for it. Why it compels them to forget every awful, destructive memory they've ever had.

There is this other boy. Kiaran. And I adore reading about him. He is a faery. And more than two thousand years old. Ack. Yet he is the cutest. And I ship him and Aileana the most. Though he has a lot of secrets. And he's not good at sharing them. And he can be a bit mean sometimes, yet also charming. I adored him the most. And I loved their friendship. And seeing her fall for him. It was so cute. They have been fighting together for a year. And I loved that. They fit together so well. Sigh. I love it lots.

The Falconer is all kinds of exciting. And I'm not sure how else to describe it. There is a lot of killing of faeries. And I loved it a lot. It was thrilling to read about. I loved getting to know Aileana so much. She's the best. And I loved her relationship with everyone around her. Except with her dad. Hmph. I'm worried how that will work out in the sequel. I hope he will be better. Fingers crossed for that. I loved how this book is in the past, yet not the past as I know it. I just adored the steampunk of it. It was so well done.

There is so much about this book. And I could probably write a lot more about it. But I will not. I just wish to say that I adored it so much. And I'm so glad that I re-read it. Because The Falconer is amazing. Such a stunning book. Small romance, yet so perfect. There are faeries. They are awesome and brutal. I loved reading every moment of this book. And I simply cannot wait to read more about these characters. Yet I'm worried. Eeek. But the most excited too. Have you read this precious book yet? If not, you must.

My review. The Vanishing Throne Cover Reveal: US. UK.


  1. Still haven't read this book yet. Sigh. Soon, I hope!

  2. I cannot wait till I can re-read this one too! So happy to hear that you loved it as much or even more this second time around sweetie!
    I hope everything is going well with you dear! *hugs*

  3. Great to hear it was stunning and amazing for you

  4. I have this book and after reading this post I am dying to read it!!


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