
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Preview Review: Riders by Veronica Rossi

Today I'm sharing a preview review of Riders. As I can't post my full review until February. But I'm writing that one today too. Though I'm not sure what to say about this book at all. I wanted to love it to badly. I had been so excited for it for aaages. But when I read it, I didn't love it. And it breaks my heart so much.

First I do wish to say that I adore Veronica Rossi the most. She's an amazing author and person. And I loved her other books. But this one was just not for me. Not at all. I won't get into all the reasons for why in this preview. But I do wish to share a little bit. I had issues with the writing, and with the boy. Sad face.

But even though I didn't love this book, I did like it a bit as well. I'm giving it two stars. Mostly I liked a lot about the ending. That was the most exciting part for me. And then there is that cover. Sigh. Swoon. It is the most gorgeous thing. Though I didn't love this book, I will be buying a hardcover copy of it when it comes out. Because I adore how it looks. Thank you so much to Diana at Tor Books for letting me read Riders early via Netgalley. It meant the very most to me. I'm so sorry that I didn't love it. I tried to, I really did. But I just couldn't like it. But I think that others will enjoy it :) I'm excited to see what everyone thinks.


  1. I'm a huge fan of Veronica's too. Sorry you didn't love this.

  2. I loved Rossi's Under the Never Sky trilogy, but when I saw this one I just had this feeling that it wouldn't be for me. After reading your preview review I think I was right in thinking that. Sorry you didn't loved it as much as you wanted to, Carina. x

  3. Reading this one in its entirety soon - I've seen some harsh opinions so far. I have low expectations (despite LOVING her Under the Never Sky series), so we shall see! Sorry you didn't love this one more, Carina.

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear you didn't love this one because I know how excited you were for this book! As you know I read the sampler and wasn't wowed by it either...


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