
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Cress Tuesday #106

Two years of sharing Cress Tuesday teasers. It have been amazing. <3 I have loved it so much. But yes. I will be stopping the day that Winter comes out, which is just three teasers from now. Ahh. I cannot wait :D Will be sad to not post about Cress anymore, but I'll manage. Probably. I can't wait to re-read Cinder, Scarlet and Cress before Winter comes out. Such a short time left. Oh, how I am excited. As you know, I adore Marissa Meyer. She is all kinds of amazing. She's so kind and sweet. And she writes such perfect books. I have loved all her books and short stories so far. I'm dying to read Winter. <3 See the very gorgeous cover reveal for it here. I'm also dying to read her upcoming book, Heartless, which will be out next November. Oh. I cannot wait. <3 But it has been pushed back. And waiting for it is just going to kill me. Sniffs. I want it now. Also don't forget about the short stories book, Stars Above, coming out. <3 I hope you have all read these books by now. And if not, you really should. I hope you are all enjoying these awesome teasers from Cress :) See all the previous Cress Tuesdays here. <3 So sad to stop.


Though it required a lot of careful repacking of trade goods and equipment, Cress was given a camel to ride. She was grateful--the mere thought of walking made her want to break down in sobs--and yet she soon found that the beast was not the epitome of comfort either. Within hours, her hands ached from clenching the reins and her calves were red and irritated. The cloak that the caravaners loaned her kept her better protected from the sun, but as the day stretched on, there was no respite from the heat.


Poor Cress. There is a lot of traveling in heat for her in this book :)

Huge thank you to Marissa Meyer and Macmillan Kids for letting me share these gorgeous Cress Tuesday teasers with you all. <3 They are the bestest. Thank you so much. I hope you are all loving the teasers :D I know that I am loving finding them and sharing them with you all. If you haven’t yet read Cress, I hope these teasers are making you more excited about it. <3 I’m sharing all these teasers from my stunning hardcover of Cress. Well, from one of my copies. I might be owning a whole bunch of them :D

7 days until Winter.


  1. 7 Days!! Weeeeee! :D I love these posts, Carina--I hope you plan to do these for Winter, too! :D

  2. just 7 days!! SO MUCH EXCITEMENT!! I just cannot waiiiit!! *ALL THE FLAILS*

  3. Where has the time gone? I remember when you started doing these teasers. It seemed like just yesterday. :)


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