
Friday, October 16, 2015

Cover Reveal US: The Vanishing Throne by Elizabeth May

Feels like I have waited forever for this book to come out. But it hasn't been that long, lol. The UK edition is going out next month. <3 And I couldn't be more excited. Sadly, this gooorgeous US edition isn't out until June. Ugh. I hate waiting. But the wait will be worth it for this gorgeous cover :D And it is SO PRETTY. I love it. I will, of course, read The Vanishing Throne once my UK paperback arrives next month, first re-reading The Falconer, which I loved so much. <3 I can't wait. These books are so pretty. Ugh. And I aaadore Elizabeth. She's the kindest. And oh so awesome :D I shared about the UK cover here last year. <3 So pretty too. I simply cannot wait to own them both :D What do you think of the cover?

The second book in the Falconer trilogy is packed with surprises and suspense.

Aileana Kameron, the Falconer, disappeared through the portal that she was trying to close forever. Now she wakes up in the fae world, trapped and tortured by the evil Lonnrach. With the help of an unexpected ally, Aileana re-enters the human world, only to find everything irrevocably changed. Edinburgh has been destroyed, and the few human survivors are living in an uneasy truce with the fae, while both worlds are in danger of disappearing altogether. Aileana holds the key to saving both worlds, but in order to do so she must awaken her latent Falconer powers. And the price of doing that might be her life.

Rich with imaginative detail, action, fae lore, and romance, The Vanishing Throne is a thrilling sequel to The Falconer.


  1. Hmmm. I think I like the US cover of book one more than I like the US cover of book two. Book two's US cover looks less vibrant and alive - more pastel-y, not sure if I'm digging that. I LOVE the UK covers, wouldn't mind having those instead. :)

    Great post, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. I love this cover! There's something about the colors that is so pretty.
    Haven't read this series yet.. will see if book 2 stays love triangle free. :)
    Thank you for sharing!

  3. I cannot decide which set of covers I love most, so I'm definitely getting both sets! I'm planning to re-read The Falconer next month as soon as my copy of The Vanishing Throne is shipped!
    Thank you for sharing this lovely cover Carina!

  4. I love both covers, but I have the version on the bottom and I definitely stick with that one. The girl looks SO kick-ass.


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