
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday #207

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

A year ago, Flynn Cormac and Jubilee Chase made the now infamous Avon Broadcast, calling on the galaxy to witness for their planet, and protect them from destruction. Some say Flynn’s a madman, others whisper about conspiracies. Nobody knows the truth. A year before that, Tarver Merendsen and Lilac LaRoux were rescued from a terrible shipwreck—now, they live a public life in front of the cameras, and a secret life away from the world’s gaze.

Now, in the center of the universe on the planet of Corinth, all four are about to collide with two new players, who will bring the fight against LaRoux Industries to a head. Gideon Marchant is an eighteen-year-old computer hacker—a whiz kid and an urban warrior. He’ll climb, abseil and worm his way past the best security measures to pull off onsite hacks that others don’t dare touch.

Sofia Quinn has a killer smile, and by the time you’re done noticing it, she’s got you offering up your wallet, your car, and anything else she desires. She holds LaRoux Industries responsible for the mysterious death of her father and is out for revenge at any cost.

When a LaRoux Industries security breach interrupts Gideon and Sofia’s separate attempts to infiltrate their headquarters, they’re forced to work together to escape. Each of them has their own reason for wanting to take down LaRoux Industries, and neither trusts the other. But working together might be the best chance they have to expose the secrets LRI is so desperate to hide.

Hardcover, 400 pages
Expected publication: December 1st 2015 by Disney-Hyperion
Pre-Order here and here

I adore this series. And I think this third book is going to be aaaamazing :D I cannot wait to get to know Gideon and Sofia. <3 And see more of Flynn and Jubilee and Tarver and Lilac :D Sigh. This third book is going to be awesome. And oh my gosh, it looks so pretty. Sigh. I'm going to love this one, I just know it. I haven't read other books by Meagan yet, but doing that one day :D But I have read Illuminae by Amie. And it was perfection. Sigh. So I'm even more excited for this one now :D My cover reveal post. <3
What are you waiting for on this fractured Wednesday?


  1. I am SUPER excited for this one, too! :D I really loved what little we saw of Sophia in the previous book and I was very happy to hear we'd get to know her more in this one!

  2. Great pick --hope you get a chance to read it soon.

  3. I've been seeing this around, I realy can't wait either!
    Have an amazing Wednesday!

    Here's my WOW

  4. I have been seeing this one around today so yay! I LOVE this trilogy. Cannot wait to read this one!!!!!! I may or may not have preordered it hehe

    My WOW-

  5. Oh yes, I need this beauty in my hands now, please! Great choice, friend. I hope we will both love it. :)

  6. Yes yes yes I'm so excited for this one! And that cover <3 <3
    Awesome pick, Carina!

  7. I hope we love this one, Carina! NEED!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  8. OH YES!! I'm beyond excited about this one!! Brilliant pic Carina dear! I so hope we'll both get our copies on release day or before!

  9. Ohhh, I'm so excited! And did you see the preorder offer is out? POSTERRRR. :D


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