
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mini Review: The Glowing Knight by Jodi Meadows

Reading this short story was so much fun. I adore being inside the head of Tobiah. I'm not going to say too much about this one, just that it is amazing. And I loved the closer look on Tobiah and who he is as a person. This story shares how Tobiah first started going outside the castle walls. It is so much fun. 

Well, okay, it isn't going all that well for him, lol, but I loved reading about it. And I adore how close he and James are. They are amazing friends. And I like them both so much. Sigh. The Glowing Knight is a gorgeous short story. It is fun and exciting and a bit heartbreaking too. I loved reading every moment :)

I won't say more about what this story is about, just know that it is all kinds of interesting and I enjoyed every moment. Five stars for this precious story. I just loved getting to read more about Tobiah :D He is my very favorite. And oh. There are two more chapters of The Mirror King at the end of this one, and they are perfection. Ahh. So much love. I just adored this short story so much. So glad that I read it. I cannot wait to read the other ones :D And to finally read The Mirror King. <3 Waiting for that one will be torture. Yet so worth it, I'm sure. I have such high hopes :D I am really wishing for happy ending for Wil and Tobiah together. <3 

I also wish to mention that I adore Jodi. She's the very best. So kind and awesome and her writing is stunning. Anyway. You all need to read this one :) Because it is all kinds of perfect and I adored it. The Glowing Knight has more of Tobiah, whom is my very favorite. And it is such a great story. I found the ending to be a little bit heartbreaking, yet so amazing. And the The Mirror King chapters. Sigh. I couldn't have loved that sneak peek any more. Wil is so amazing and I just. I need more of it all. Much more :)


  1. Glad you loved it! Haven't read these books yet. Boo.

  2. I still need to read The Orphan Queen! I definitely will soon. And then of course I'll read these novellas. :D
    Great review, lovely! I hope The Mirror King will be fantastic. <3


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