
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mini Review: The Dogs of Athens by Kendare Blake

I loved reading this short story. It is set before the Antigoddess trilogy. And it is from the point of view of Artemis, Goddess of Hunt. And oh my gosh, I adored reading from her. But then I remember how she ends in Antigoddess, and that breaks my heart. I wanted to read more about her. She seemed amazing.

This story is about Artemis and her pack in Athens. She is looking for other gods, but she doesn't find any. Which is just heartbreaking. Especially knowing that they are all dying somewhere. Sigh. I loved getting to know Artemis a bit more. She's awesome. And I liked her talking dogs a lot too. Exciting.

I won't say too much about this story. Just that it is so exciting. And dark. Very dark. I adored it. But yesss. So short. Which is just so sad. Hmph. Yet it was short and perfect. I just wish there had been more. I wish to read more about Artemis. I want to read about how she dies in Antigoddess, from her point of view. It would be heartbreaking. Yet amazing. This is short, yet I got to know her a bit. And I adored her. And I got to know her dogs too. And they are changing. Becoming wild. Dangerous. It was creepy. And so interesting. Just wish it had been even longer. Kendare writes such amazing stories. Now I will not say more about this one. Just, it was incredible. And I think you must all read this short story. Loved it lots. Like I knew I would :)

They are not your dogs anymore, Artemis.
They are beasts.


  1. Glad you loved this one, C! The cover is so pretty! I had no idea this series had short stories too. Thank you for sharing. :)

  2. I totally love that pretty cover!! Glad to see how much you enjoyed this one. Fantastic short stories are always a great find! Great review! :)

  3. I read both short stories yesterday and loved them too! I fell in love with Artemis on this story and thinking of her fate really made me shudder, poor Artemis!!

  4. Still haven't read the Antigoddess (?). Glad you enjoyed it, C.


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