
Saturday, September 12, 2015

In My Mailbox #202

This week went by so fast. Not much reading at all, sadly. My health sucks, but finally going to get more medicine at the hospital this Tuesday. Once every 8th week :) But so much drama to be able to get plane tickets this time. They always need to have something to argue about :p Ugh. But free health care in Norway is the very best. Which even includes free airplane tickets to get to the hospital; for me and for my sister or mother. Love it. But anyway. I haven't done much reading at all. I just don't know what I feel like reading next. And that is just heartbreaking. Ugh. But for those of you that have seen my IMM's lately; which book do you think I should read next? :D To be honest, I'm just sad because I did not get an ARC of Six of Crows. And I have wanted to read that one for months and months and months yet I haven't been able to. Ugh. But it is out later this month. And it is going to be perfection, I'm sure. Anyway. I'm pleased about this week. Though I also had some drama with The Book Depository, which stressed me out a bit. And all this stress is not good for my health at all. Ugh. It sucks. But yeah. I did get some gooorgeous mail this week. <3 Which I'm thrilled about! Aisha is the sweetest person; and I cannot believe how kind she is to me. <3 The Illuminae box is the most precious. Look how pretty it is! Ahh. Love it. Blog posts this week: I re-read The Iron Trial. <3 Which is so so good. I posted another Cress Tuesday :D And I read The Copper Gauntlet; which was aaawesome. <3 This week I'm waiting on The Iron Warrior :) Shared this awesome promo about Midnight Thief. <3 What did you get this week?

The Immortal Heights pre-order via Twitter. International. Ends 09/18.
Midnight Thief by Livia Blackburne Package. International. Ends 09/13.  

Illuminae. EEEEK! Thank you so so so much Aisha :D You are the sweetest person I know. <3 Sniffs. I cannot with how lucky I am. You are the best. Oh, this ARC box is STUNNING :D I love it. It's the best.
Endsinger. New UK paperback of this gorgeous thingy. I love this book. And all my copies are perfect.
The Map to Everywhere. I love this book so so much. It's gorgeous. And this new paperback is so pretty.
The Witch's Boy. I just had to buy the paperback edition of this book. I had to. So pretty. I love the book.
Drift & Dagger. I'm excited to read this book soonish :D It looks so pretty. I really hope that I will love it.
The Wolf Wilder. This book is so goddamn gorgeous. So pretty. I hope to love this book. Pretty please.
Mortal Gods. Gorgeous new US paperback edition :D I love this series so much. And it is just so pretty.
Frozen. More stunning Frozen books. <3 I love them all. So much. And new Olaf figure too, love him :D
Inside Out. Getting much more :D So excited. These books are stunning. I love them all. And JOY :D
Fox. I bought this one at the store today. It was just so cute. Tiny little fox. I adore him. <3 Cutest.

Collection of books by Jay Kristoff. <3 MY PRECIOUS. Illuminae isn't even out yet. I will be getting a lot of finished copies. So excited for it. My heart is still in pieces after having read Endsinger. Sniffs. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Awesome stack of books. I hope you love all your new books this week. They look amazing.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Oooh Illuminae box?? I've not seen that before. What's it made of? Wonderful mail this week. I hope your health improves after the medicine.

  3. The wolf wilder sound like an interesting book. Love your stack of books this week :)

  4. I hope the medicine helps! And I love your ARC collections - I'm finally reading Illuminae tomorrow, after months of having it. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous weekend, Carina. :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. All of your collections are just so gorgeous, Carina! The Illuminae box is so cool---and you are the first person I've seen with it, you lucky girl! :D I'm starting Drift & Dagger soon, too! I hope we both love it! ;D

  6. Iron Trial sounds good, hope you enjoy and have a great upcoming week.

  7. I really hope the medicine will help sweetie! Try and not stress yourself too much, as you said, it really is not good for your health!

    Yay for awesome book mail!! Illuminae is such an awesome book!!

  8. Yay for Illuminae! I just finished it yesterday and it was incredible. Hope everything gets better for you soon, and happy reading :)


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