
Monday, August 3, 2015

The Thickety: A Path Begins by J. A. White

This is my third time reading this precious book. I read it twice last year. And I can honestly say that I will never tire of reading this book. It will never not be exciting and heartbreaking and oh so fun to read. I will always be curious about what happens next when reading it, hih. It is such a fantastic book. And I feel like not enough people are reading this amazing middle grade series. Which breaks my heart. Because this book is one of the best. The writing is seriously gorgeous. The story is beyond amazing.

I have already shared my thoughts about this book twice. But I'm doing it again. Because oh, how I loved this book. Yes, I might repeat myself, but I don't mind. Not reading my previous reviews before starting, though. Reading this book was very easy. The writing is so beautiful and easy to read and I never had a single issue with it. Which makes me so happy. Also want to say that the author is amazing. Adore him :) He is so kind and just such an amazing writer too. I simply cannot wait to read more books by Jerry.

I love how A Path Begins is told from the point of view of twelve year old Kara. She's amazing. Young, yet still so old. She's the bravest little girl. And I adored reading about her again. She's the best. My heart is aching for her so much. Her mom was murdered as a witch, when Kara was five. Just after giving birth to her brother, Taff, whom is now seven. He is so sick all the time. And Kara takes care of him. Sniffs. As their dad is there, but he's sort of not fully there. Hmph. But he isn't that bad, not really. I liked him.

What broke my heart the most about this book is how people treat Kara. They hurt her. They don't talk nice to her. She has only one friend, Lucas. But I adored Lucas. He was such an awesome boy and a fantastic friend. But anyway. The other people in their small village was so mean to her. Because her mom was a witch. And this village.. wow. It is a bit screwed up, hah. So weird. Yet so amazing and interesting to read about. I did not like the people. Yet I loved reading about them at the same time.

It hurt my heart that Kara was treated so badly. Yet she's such a kind person. She still tries to help them all. And she isn't a mean person. And just. I adored her oh so much. Her little brother was awesome too. So cute and kind and happy and understanding. It broke my heart that he was so sick. Sniffs. Yet such an amazing storyline, sigh. I can't get over how good this book is. Having read it three times, I can say for sure that there isn't anything I would have wanted differently about this book. It was simply perfect.

There are creatures in this book. Scary ones. And they were so fun to read about. So much love. We also learn about the forest, The Thickety. Though much more about that in book two. Shudders. This book is all kinds of creepy and a bit scary and oh so heartbreaking. Such mean people. A lot of people get hurt. Many get killed. It was a bit dark for middle grade, and I loved it oh so much. This book is special to my heart. And I'm so thrilled to have read and loved it a third time. I just love and adore this book so much.

There is so much I could say about The Thickety: A Path Begins. And yet words are failing me at the moment. It is such a beautiful book. The writing is amazing. The characters are so well written and so fun to read about. The story is evil and fantastic and I loved every moment. This book is heartbreaking. And I could not have loved it more. I cannot wait to re-read book two and read my very precious ARC of book three. Then waiting for book four, ack. You all need to read this book right away. You will love it.

First review of A Path Begins. Second review of A Path Begins. Review of The Whispering Trees.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. The scary creatures sounds well done in these. I don't normally read much horror, but great to hear that you enjoyed

  2. Oh wow. You really love these books, eh? :D


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