
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Review: The Thickety: Well of Witches by J. A. White

I cannot begin to describe my happiness and gratitude for being able to read this precious book early. Thank you so much my friend. It means the most to me. This book isn't coming out until February, but it is well worth the wait. Because of this, I will try my best to not share spoilers :)

My love for this series is huge. Each book has about five hundred pages, but they aren't long, and reading these took way too little time. I could have read them for ages. Never wanted them to end. Thankfully, this is not the end. There will be a forth book. And I'm hoping for more.

This book was so amazing. And I'm not sure how to put all my thoughts into words worth reading. Because this book was just that good. And I can't think of how to describe it all. So much happens. And everything is gorgeous. The writing is fantastic, like always. The characters are the very best. I love how they are all growing. Becoming older and smarter and wiser. They are all so adorable. I adore the artwork in these books. Especially the covers. This is my favorite of the three. Though this ARC did not have all the artwork inside, which was a bit depressing, but I will see all of that once I re-read the hardcover in February. I cannot wait. This is a series that I will never grow tired of re-reading. Not ever.

I loved reading every part of this book. Everything was amazing. And interesting. And exciting. And heartbreaking. I had the most fun reading this one. I love all three, but this is my favorite, I think. It's just so good. They all are. But my heart is breaking a bit too, because waiting for book four is going to be even longer and even more painful, because the ending of this one was so mean. Yet awesome. But mean. And I need to know what happens next. Oh. I would sell my soul for book four. I want it so much.

I don't think I will say much about what happens in this one. But a few things I can mention, as they are obvious if you have read the first two books. And of course, if you read the title and the summary. In this book Kara and Taff are going to travel to the Well of Witches. They are looking for Grace. Whom I really hated in the first book. And oh my gosh. This was such a fun plot twist. So much had to happen. And this place.. shudders. It is special. Heartbreaking. Exciting. And I must know all there is about it.

We get to witness Kara and Taff seeing the World for the first time in this book. And it is so beautiful. And special. And amazing. I couldn't have loved it more. Kara is still the most adorable girl. She has now turned thirteen. I love her the most. My heart broke for her; with her having lost her powers. But she is still amazing. Still so brave and strong and kind. And her brother, Taff. I adore him to pieces, still. He's so kind and loving. I adore how he tries his best to protect his sister. Their sibling love is the very best.

There are so many new characters in this book. And old ones too. And I loved reading about them all. A smaller part is Bethany. She was so interesting to read about. What she did with her witch powers. Shudders. Yet she seemed like such a good person. And oh, I wish to get to know her more. You also see that boy with the bow in the cover? As me, you probably already know that this is Lucas. My love. We see him more in this book. And oh my gosh, I love him even more. But the ending has me worried. Oh.

I'm not saying much more than that :D Just that I adore Lucas. And his friendship with Kara is the best. And oh how I want it to turn into something more. The romance would be gorgeous. It might happen. Or it might not. I'm not telling. That ending is pretty mean. Yet awesome. And I have so much hope about book four. And worry. Mostly I just cannot wait to read it. It's going to be even more amazing than this one, I can tell. Excited that it will be the final one, but I do hope there will be more. Fingers crossed. <3

The plot in Well of Witches is spectacular. So much happens. Rygoth takes a big part of it. And she's so horrible. And I just cannot. I want her to die. And yet I love reading about her, cause she's an awesome villain. I wish to mention everything that happens in this book. But I won't. Just know that the plot is amazing. The magic is stunning. The characters are adorable. The writing is gorgeous. I just could not have loved this book any more. And I'm so thrilled that I could to read it so early. It means the most.

This book is also so creepy. And so heartbreaking. There are more amazing creatures to get to know, and I love that so much. The animals in these books are awesome to read about. Getting to know the World was so much fun too, as I still have no idea what time this book could be set in. So different, yet so amazing to read about. A bunch of heartbreaking things happen too, and I loved every moment. This book is just so incredible. I couldn't be happier about the fact that I loved it so much. It was the best.

I don't think I can say more about this book. Just that I loved it with all my heart. The Thickety: Well of Witches is the most amazing third book. It is full of magic and scary adventures. This book has the most amazing characters I have read about. This is a book I could read again and again and love it more each time. Which I cannot wait to do. I loved it to pieces. Kara and Lucas and Taff and Safi has a special place in my heart. Thank you, Jerry, for writing these precious books. I love them the most. So perfect.


  1. I'm going to have to read this series too. After reading your preview review and now this one, it sounds like a series I'd really enjoy. And the covers look gorgeous too.

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading

  2. The plot sounds wonderful and so glad that you were so happy with it

  3. I love these covers! And ugh it sounds like such a great series, I definitely have to check it out soon :) Thanks for sharing!

  4. I'm sort of glad that this one doesn't come out until February because it means I can catch up with this series because your reviews always make me REALLY want to read them!

  5. That's fantastic! There's nothing better than receiving a much anticipated book from a favourite series. I'm glad you got to read it wayyyy ahead of time. :)


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