
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Book Recommendation: The Thickety: The Whispering Trees by J. A. White

I loved re-reading this book oh so much. I didn't realize how many details I had forgotten about it since I first read it in October last year. I also probably loved it even more this time. Though I loved it like crazy the first time too. This book is just amazing. And I loved it oh so much. Just like I loved book one. And I will be starting book three tomorrow, and I simply cannot wait. It's going to be amazing. Sigh. And the writing in this book is so stunning. Jerry is an amazing author. I just loved everything about this book.

Book one, A Path Begins, was pretty dark. And it ended in a bad place, ack. The Whispering Trees start in just that moment. And it's so amazing. The Thickety is a strange and dangerous place. Loved getting to see it up close. To learn more about all the different animals in there. How they suffer. To learn more about the forest demon Sordyr too, though, shudders. He was all kinds of awful. The twist at the end was the best. So amazing. And a bit shocking. Every moment in this book was incredible to read about.

Kara is a twelve year old witch. And in this book we see her use her power more. And it was so fantastic to read about. Kara is amazing. Sigh. But oh my gosh, I'm still not over how she uses her power. What she loses when she does it. Sobs. There must be a way to get her memories back. There must be. If not.. it's just so sad. Yet written perfectly too. But yes. Heartbreaking. Even so, I loved reading about Kara testing her powers. And how Mary was teaching her about them. I loved reading about everything.

I just loved re-reading this book so much. Kara is the best character to read about. She's so brave and smart and caring and I adore her to pieces. I'm a bit sad there was no Lucas in this one, but there will be in book three, and I'm so excited. But anyway. Kara is the best. And I adore her little brother Taff oh so much. He's adorable. And their relationship is the best. There are some new characters in this one too that I love so much. Like Mary Kettle. She was creepy. Yet I loved her. Really liked reading about Safi.

There is so much darkness in this book. And I loved it oh so much. The Thickety is a dark places. Full of evil. Like Imogen. Shudders. She was the worst, I think. And the most amazing to read about. Sigh. And the giant dead creature. That was all kinds of awesome to read about again. Just, I loved everything that happened in this book. And I don't know how to mention it all. It is a big adventure. A quest. And it is so much fun. Though not really any fun happening at all. But anyway. It is a beautiful book. So perfect.

I don't know what else to say about this precious. I could probably mention all the plot points, but I won't. I just wanted to share again that I really, really loved The Thickety: The Whispering Trees. It is a perfect sequel. So dark and delicious. I loved every moment. Also wish to mention that the artwork is special and oh so gorgeous. Especially the covers. So much love for them all. Anyway. If you have yet to read this sequel, then you really must. It is a book worth reading and loving. You must all read this book.

New post of The Thickety: A Path Begins.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds interesting, witches, magic, darkness, it all sounds right up my alley.

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading


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