
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday #195

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Life in the outer realm is a lawless, dirty, hard existence, and Solara Brooks is hungry for it. Just out of the orphanage, she needs a fresh start in a place where nobody cares about the engine grease beneath her fingernails or the felony tattoos across her knuckles. She's so desperate to reach the realm that she's willing to indenture herself to Doran Spaulding, the rich and popular quarterback who made her life miserable all through high school, in exchange for passage aboard the spaceliner Zenith.

When a twist of fate lands them instead on the Banshee, a vessel of dubious repute, Doran learns he's been framed on Earth for conspiracy. As he pursues a set of mysterious coordinates rumored to hold the key to clearing his name, he and Solara must get past their enmity to work together and evade those out for their arrest. Life on the Banshee may be tumultuous, but as Solara and Doran are forced to question everything they once believed about their world--and each other--the ship becomes home, and the eccentric crew family. But what Solara and Doran discover on the mysterious Planet X has the power to not only alter their lives, but the existence of everyone in the universe...

Hardcover, 320 pages
Expected publication: February 2nd 2016 by Disney-Hyperion
Pre-Order here and here

I adore Melissa. She's all kinds of amazing. <3 And I love her books. Which is why I'm super excited for Starflight. It looks gorgeous :D I blogged about the cover here. <3 And oh, it sounds so amazing too. I cannot wait to meet Solara and Doran. I hope the romance won't hurt too much. Hoping it will be all kinds of amazing :D Which I think it will be. <3 Just, yeah. I'm dying to read this book. Is it February yet? :) Really wishing I had an ARC of this one. Sigh. Disney don't ship to Norway these days :( Sad face.
What are you waiting for on this starry Wednesday? 


  1. Ooh, I'm so excited for this one! I didn't love Alienated, but this is wayyy more my speed. :) I hope it's awesome--and that cover is gorgeous! Great pick, Carina!!

  2. I haven't read this author yet, but this one looks so amazing! Loving that cover, too!

  3. YESSSS!!!! So excited about this one! I soooo love this coverr!!

  4. This sounds so good! I haven't read anything by this author, but I hope to soon! Great pick!

    My WoW

    Lizzie @ Lizzie the Sarcastic Blonde

  5. Love this cover and it is on my wishlist too! Hope you get a chance to read it soon.

  6. This was my WoW, too! Awesome pick ;)

  7. Hey! New Follower via Joyousreads!

    This book looks wonderful and that cover is just beautiful, great choice!

    Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings

  8. Ohh I just can't wait for this one! I love Melissa too! And Starflight sounds amazing. I'm hoping for a really cute romance!

  9. So so excited for this one! It sucks that Disney doesn't send ARCs internationally anymore, I wish I could've got this as well. And that cover is so gorgeous <3 Hope we enjoy it when it comes out!


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