
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling

Oh. The end of the Harry Potter books. Sniffles. I have loved loved loved re-reading these seven books. And I'm so thrilled that I decided to do so. Though I should have picked a better time, hah. But it has been amazing. And this final book was the best, I think. Maybe. I'm still not fully sure. I loved them all.

But how do I talk about this last book. Sigh. There is so much happening. There is so much I loved about it. Yet I don't feel like sharing much. But I do have some things I want to talk about. Mostly I just want to share that I loved this book oh so much. And to say that Harry Potter is very special to me. <3

I must mention that the covers for the seven books I have re-read has been oh so gorgeous. My favorite, I think. They are stunning. But.. I learned that there are chapter images in the US versions of the books? There was no such thing in these books that I just read. Which breaks my heart a little. Hmph. But, oh well. It was a bit disappointing, but I'm okay with it. The books were still amazing. And I will be looking up all the images online anyway. I'm also thrilled to be re-watching the Harry Potter movies too, starting today, and must finish tomorrow. I'm excited. They are amazing. And been so long since I saw them. Books are better, I think, but love both so much :) I'm so excited. But now I need to own more merchandise. Hmph.

This last book is amazing. It is exciting and oh so heartbreaking and I couldn't have loved it more. Okay, I do with the ending had been a little bit longer. I do love the epilogue. But I wish we had gotten much more details. I'm curious about so many people. And I want to know it better. Sigh. But yeah. I was happy with how this book ended. And I loved every moment inside it. It's such a stunning final book. And I'm so thrilled that I loved it so much, since it's been years since I last read it. But yeah. So amazing.

Harry is the best in this one. He is so brave. And just all kinds of awesome. I love him to pieces. And Ron and Hermione too. Ron did one thing that made me angry, but it doesn't matter that much. He's still amazing. And yay for some cute romance. But I wish there had been more about it. Hmph. But anyway. There are so many gorgeous characters in this book. And I loved reading about them all. Some new ones too. And, just, I liked reading about them all. But it was a bit bittersweet, knowing what happens next.

I think that Severus Snape is a favorite character of mine. I'm not fully sure yet how I feel about him. I do like him a lot. So that's all I will say about it. And that I'm not happy about how the book ended with him. How mean. I liked that we get to know more about Dumbledore in this. About his family and his past. Though it was pretty heartbreaking. Yet I loved it. I sort of like Dumbledore. But he could have been much more honest. Hmph. That bothered me a whole lot. Yet I did understand him too, sort of.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is all kinds of exciting. So much amazing happens. I loved reading about it all. Loved their hunt to be able to destroy Voldemort. It was creepy. And sad. And amazing. I loved the part about the Hallows. That was interesting. Yet not the most interesting. There was just so much I loved about this book. I loved how much Harry learnt in it. About himself. About other people. And oh, I grew to love Kreacher too. Always love Dobby, but Kreacher was pretty amazing in this book.

I don't know what more to say about this book. I loved it to pieces. But ugh. So many people die. And it hurt my heart oh so much. I did not approve of a lot of those deaths. Hmph. But they were all written pretty amazing and I loved it oh so much. Just wishing I could have seen how people reacted after the deaths. I want that. Heartbreaking, yet amazing to read about. But anyway. I have loved re-reading Harry Potter. I just wish there were more books. Such a fun adventure. You must all read these books :)


  1. Aww, I'm glad you've had such a great experience rereading the series, Carina! I know I have definitely enjoyed reading your thoughts on each of the books on your blog. I love loved this finale to the series, though I agree it was so very heartbreaking :(

  2. Gorgeous reviews, Carina! It makes me happy that you re-read these and love them so. I still need to read the series. >.< Love the movies, but I have never read the books. I'd have to get the ones with really gorgeous covers. :D


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