
Friday, July 31, 2015

Preview Review: Overboard by Elizabeth Fama

I just wanted to share that today I read the amazing Overboard by Elizabeth Fama. <3 And I loved it. Giving it four stars. It was such an exciting book and I liked every moment of it. I will share a lot more details in my full review, which will get published with the blog tour, on August 5th :) Along with an excerpt from the book.

I thought that I wouldn't be able to write much about this book at all, since it was less than two hundred pages, and since it takes place in just one day, and in the ocean. But then I started writing my review, and I could not stop, and I might have written a bit too much. Oh, well. I don't mind. A thousand words isn't that much :D

Anyway. I just wanted to write a short post to let you all know that I read and loved this book. <3 You should all read it too. Because Elizabeth is amazing. She's the kindest. I adore her oh so much. Thank you for sending me this very gorgeous book :) Overboard was an amazing book to read. You should come back to read my full review too. I'm very excited about taking part in the blog tour.



  1. I love those books that you just can't stop thinking or writing about! Glad to hear this one did that for you! I hadn't heard of this, so I can't wait see your full review!

  2. Hmm, sounds familiar but not sure how.

  3. The cover doesn't look that appealing but based on your review it must be pretty good!

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading

  4. Wonderful! I knew you'd love this one. :)


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