
Saturday, July 11, 2015

In My Mailbox #193

I'm still sick. And it is still the worst. I stopped taking my antibiotic pills three days before time, since they were making me so nauseous and gave me other side effects. Sigh. It was bad. But then I quit. And I'm so much less nauseous. But then I got a cold. And that has been awful, sigh. It's getting better. I got this awesome signed book in the mail this week. <3 And some other awesome things. Best part of the week was today, when I finally got to go swimming slash bathing again :D I haven't been able to do this since January. Waiting has been hard and depressing. And yeah. Today was perfect. But my wound is not healed yet. Was at the doctors, she told me I could finally go swimming, though. So happy about that. Now just waiting for wound to fully heal as well :) Anyway. I haven't read much lately. And I have been wanting to re-read the Harry Potter books for aaages. So this week I finally started :D Currently a hundred pages into book two, and so much love. This week I posted another Cress Tuesday. <3 This week I'm waiting on Starflight :) I shared the goorgeous cover for City of Thirst. <3 I posted my review for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone :) Did have a good week. What did you get this week? <3

The Hobbit. Yay for more Lego :D I need much more. No more room, ugh. But this one was awesome.
Frozen. I wanted this foam puzzle. Because it looks gorgeous. And it feels soft, I think. It's cute :)
Silver in the Blood. I have wanted to read this book for a while now. I must read it soonish. I'm curious.
Serafina and the Black Cloak. This is out next week; I adored this book so much :D And it's gorgeous.
Overboard. Eeeek! Thank you so so much Beth. <3 You are the best. So excited to read this one soon :)
Dragons. I ordered this weeks ago, finally arrived. I had to own it :) Have yet to see this though, ack!
Mad Max: Fury Road. Finally got this awesome CD that I ordered weeks ago :) It looks very awesome
Supernatural. Yay for more Funko Pop!s :D Bloody Sam. <3 and gooorgeous Castiel with wings. Love.
Big Hero 6. Ordered these weeks ago, finally got them :) Such stunning buttons. They are awesome.
Frozen. Gorgeous Olaf toy. I had to buy him. He's awesome. Spare parts in his butt too. Just, he's cute.

Tsum Tsum. My brand new gorgeous plushes. <3 They are so tiny. And stunning :D They did not have Hans in stock, hmph. Only bought these from Disney Store Sweden since I got free shipping. Now waiting until London next year sometime to get a whole bunch more of the Tsum Tsums :D Excited.

My signed copy of Overboard. <3 Thank you so much Beth. You are the sweetest :D I'm reading this one later this month, and I am oh so excited. She is an amazing author. I'm also a part of the blog tour :)

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Yay for re-reading Harry Potter! I've been meaning to do that for ages as well. And I'm glad you had a good week :) Happy reading, Carina!

  2. Oh wow, what a gorgeous rainbow photo! Norway looks like such a beautiful place! Eee, I love the little Tsum Tsums :) So cute. I hope you're feeling better soon, dear---how awful to finally feel better off of the antibiotics only to get a cold!!
    Silver in the Blood looks fantastic, I hope i have time to read it soon. Glad to hear you loved Serafina, I've been curious about that one!

  3. One of these days I will re-read Harry Potter. You got some great books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  4. I'm sorry to hear that you're still sick. Silver in the Blood looks really interesting; I may have to look that one up on Goodreads.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  5. Oh I so want to read Harry Potter books with my boy. I think I'm going to do that this summer! I hope your week gets better, C.

    happy reading!

  6. Overboard sounds good, but new to me. Enjoy it and the rest of your reading and upcoming week. Feel better girl

  7. Those Tsum Tsum are adorable, I love the Olaf one :D Those Big Hero 6 buttons are pretty awesome too!

  8. Wait, Elizabeth Fama has a new book out?? How have I not heard about this?! I hope you love it! <3


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