
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Mini Review: The Hidden Prince by Jodi Meadows

I'm so thrilled that Jodi decided to write four short stories from the point of view of Tobiah. And that they are all coming out before The Mirror King :D Sigh, this first one was perfection. I adored The Orphan Queen so much. And I was dying to know more about Tobiah; my very favorite character in this world.

This novella is pretty short, so I'm not going to go into details about the plot and such. But I will say a few things. About how much I loved it. How much I love Tobiah. How much I love the writing in these books so far. Jodi is amazing. I adore her so much. She's the kindest. And she has such stunning writing :)

The Hidden Prince is an amazing short story. The writing is beautiful. The story is short yet all kinds of amazing. Getting to know Tobiah more is the best. I could not have been happier about this story. Sigh. So glad I decided to read it right away, instead of waiting for the other stories. I'm not sure how to talk about this gorgeous. We get to know more about Tobiah. Whom I loved so much in The Orphan Queen. Whom I am dying to know more about. Sigh. These four novellas are going to be amazing, I just know it. Because this one was. So stunning. So exciting. It is set two years before The Orphan Queen happens. And it is awesome.

I loved getting to see more of Tobiah. His relationship with his parents. I'm not pleased about it. Ugh. They were not kind people at all. But we also get to see him spend more time with James, before he became his bodyguard. And I loved that a lot. They are amazing friends. And I hope they will be close, always. I'm not going to say much more about The Hidden Prince. Just that getting to read more from this world was the best. Getting to know more of Tobiah was the most perfect. I loved it so much. <3

There is also the first two chapters of The Mirror King at the end. Which is the sequel to The Orphan Queen. And oh my god. I could not have loved those two chapters more. Well, they are way too short, lol. I need more. I adore Wilhelmina so much. But oh, it is so cruel. Because I need more. I want this book so badly. Anyway. I loved the small peek at the book we got. And two more chapters with the next short story :D I simply cannot wait. I think you all need to read this novella. Because it's simply amazing.


  1. I haven't read Orphan Queen, but that's not really surprising since I'm not into fantasy. Glad you loved these short stories!

  2. So awesome to see your love for this series and these characters. I can't believe I have started this series yet because I absolutely loved her first series!

  3. Ohh, I need to get this! The wait for The Mirror King is going to feel like forever--maybe this'll help! But ohh, it's worth it just for the first two chapters, oh my gosh. I'm so glad you loved this! :D

  4. I still need to read The Orphan Queen! I hope to do so soon, and then I can catch up on the novella(s).
    Lovely review! Glad you enjoyed this one. I, too, love it when we get POVs from favorite characters. It's awesome that Jodi is doing that for us. :)


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