
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Cress Tuesday #87

I adore sharing these Cress Tuesday teasers every Tuesday. I love finding new teasers to share. It's all kinds of fun. I shall be sharing these until November, when Winter comes out, most likely :) As you know, I adore Marissa Meyer. She is all kinds of amazing. She's so kind and sweet. And she writes such perfect books. I have loved all her books and short stories so far. I'm dying to read Winter. <3 See the very gorgeous cover reveal for it here. I'm also dying to read her upcoming book, Heartless, which will be out next February. Oh. I cannot wait. I haven't been brave enough to re-read Cinder, Scarlet & Cress just yet, but I shall be doing so soon. As I love these books oh so much. They are the bestest. I hope you have all read these books by now. And if not, you really should. I hope you are all enjoying these small and awesome teasers from Cress :) See all the previous Cress Tuesdays here. <3 Have you read it yet?


"I have seen evidence that the disease is mutating," said Dr. Erland, "and that Lunars may no longer be immune. At least, not all of us." Her skin began to crawl. It was amazing how fast the old fears returned. After weeks of being invincible in the face of one of Earth's most merciless killers, the threat was back. Her immunity could be compromised. And she was in Africa, where it had all started.


Shudders. Yeah. I'm worried about this disease too.

Huge thank you to Marissa Meyer and Macmillan Kids for letting me share these gorgeous Cress Tuesday teasers with you all. <3 They are the bestest. Thank you so much. I hope you are all loving the teasers :D I know that I am loving finding them and sharing them with you all. If you haven’t yet read Cress, I hope these teasers are making you more excited about it. <3 I’m sharing all these teasers from my stunning hardcover of Cress. Well, from one of my copies. I might be owning a whole bunch of them :D


  1. 140 days until Winter!!!! I just can't believe it.
    Thank you for sharing, hon! <3

  2. That 140 days is feeling sooo long right now. :D

  3. 140 days... so close but so faaaar!! I cannot wait for Winter!!


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