
Saturday, May 23, 2015

In My Mailbox #186

I haven't read a single book this week. Well, okay, I started and finished Illuminae last Saturday, but that is a whole week ago. Instead I have been watching Supernatural every day :) I'm almost done with season 4. So much love. I shall be reading soonish, probably. I'm good with taking a little break. Because watching Supernatural is the best :D Not that many blog posts this week. But still some gorgeous ones. <3 I posted my long review of Illuminae. I loved it oh so much. Then posted another Cress Tuesday :D This week I'm waiting on Velvet Undercover :) Then I shared the gorgeous cover for Riders. <3 And posted another Have You Seen This ... post :D I didn't get all that much this week, but so happy with what did arrive. <3 I started having a cold a week ago. It's still not gone. I'm not feeling all that bad, but it is very annoying. Hoping to feel better soon :) Hoping to read soon too. What did you get this week?
Oh! And also. I watched Mad Max: Fury Road this week. I loved it. I want to see it again. Now, please.

The Girl at Midnight. Hardcover. Two winners. US/Canada. Ends 06/01.

Big Hero 6. A couple of gorgeous books :D They are awesome. I'm getting more, just slowly, hih. Love.
How To Train Your Dragon. Yay for more dragon books :D I love them all oh so much. Just, the gorgeous.
An Ember in the Ashes. This UK version is stunning. But I'm wondering if I will love or hate the book.
The Cage. I had to buy this one, because it is stunning. <3 Just.. I'm worried I'll hate it. Sigh. Hope not.
Uprooted. Eeek! Thank you so much to Mel @ The Daily Prophecy for this one :D And the publisher, Pan Macmillan UK. <3 But mostly Mel, whom hosted this awesome giveaway. Reading it soon :) I'm excited.
Supernatural 9. Now I own them all :D Well, not season 10 yet, but yeah. Love this show so much. <3
Reign. Well. I wasn't going to buy this. But I had to. Sort of watching it. Hate it. Like it sometimes. Ugh.
The Winner's Crime. Eeeek! My collection is complete :D Love it! New collection picture sometime soon.
The Golden Compass. I saw these gorgeous cards on ebay, and I had to buy them. They are awesome :)
Hidden Huntress swag. Yay :D Thank you so much Danielle. <3 This swag is stunning. I love it a lot. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Awesome haul of books. I totally need to watch Supernatural books. I hope you love all the new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Big hero 6 and HTYD <3 oh, and could you maybe do a review on Ember in the ashes

  3. Ohhh a Supernatural binge watching! I really should check out that tv series. And ack. An Ember in the ashes. The romance really killed it for me, also it was just too much angst for my taste. I couldn't deal. :/ I hope you'll enjoy these books, C!

  4. Supernatural bingeing for the win!! I need to watch that show properly one of these days!!
    And oooh that copy of Uprooted is so lovely!!
    I hope you'll get rid of that stupid cold soon!

  5. I just made a promise to my coblogger to marathon Supernatural with her! Super excited to see what all the hype is about. Ember in the Ashes and Winner's Crime are two of my more anticipated reads, and I hope you enjoy. -M

  6. Oh I love the UK cover of Ember in the Ashes! This is the first time I've seen it! You're Amie Kaufman/Jay Kristoff collection is gorgeous! Daughter and I have been slowly making our way through season one of Supernatural! Love it so far---some of them are so freaky, but with all the monsters they cover, the scariest one has been about humans! :D

  7. YAY! Pretty books. I ordered the UK Uprooted. I love the cover. I really want the UK Ember too. I think it's so pretty. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know once you've read it. Have a great week Carina!

  8. Not reading is sometimes a great thing! I have been rereading a lot of books since I've come home from university (happiness!). I love the UK EMBER version! I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fantastic week, Carina :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  9. Great haul. I haven't seen that cover for EitA yet. Have a great week!

  10. It makes me so happy to see everyone getting their Uprooted book. It felt like a dream before (I mean, what an awesome opportunity to host such a giveaway), but now that I see evidence it's really 'real' Haha. Happy reading!

  11. The cover for Uprooted is soooooo pretty. Ack, I am so excited for you (AND THE WHOLE WORLD) to read this. :-D You have to let me and Kim know what you think!

    I'm excited for The Cage - I really like Megan Shepherd's other series. And Supernatural bingeing is a thing many of my friends do - but I've never seen the show. Is it good?

    PS. I just started learning Norwegian (my boyfriend is a Norwegian dude from Hamar) and I thought of you, since you're the only other Norwegian I know. :)

  12. Wow your book haul looks awesome, I hope you enjoy reading all of these books - the cover of a Uprooted looks gorgeous though! <3 Benish| Feminist Reflections


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