
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Cover Reveal: The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski

My love for these books are never ending. I loved The Winner's Curse so much. And The Winner's Crime broke my heart. Yet I loved it to pieces. These books are just so goddamn good. And heartbreaking. And evil. And just all kinds of perfect. Marie has gorgeous writing. And she tells such amazing stories. And she writes such perfect characters. Sigh. I couldn't have loved these books more. Which is why I'm so excited to be sharing the cover for The Winner's Kiss today :D Because it is oh so gorgeous. I love it. I love the dress. I love the font. I love the sword. Swoon. This book will look so damn perfect in person. I cannot wait for March 1st 2016 :D Too far away, still, though. Hmph. How mean. Yet the wait will be worth it. Though that summary. Seriously. My heart is breaking already. And just. I'm waiting for Arin to know about Kestrel. For Arin to storm there and rescue her. He better. Hmph. I'm not ready to read another book of them being apart and not knowing things about the other. Sigh. But even so. I'm so excited for this book. It looks gorgeous already. And it sounds so perfect. I'm so so excited for it :D Also, Marie is amazing. <3 She's oh so kind. What do you think of this cover? Isn't it just so perfect? :) Oh, and also. I shall post about the UK cover reveal on Thursday :) It is also so pretty. Love them both.

War has begun. Arin is in the thick of it, with the East as his ally and the empire as his enemy. He’s finally managed to dismiss the memory of Kestrel, even if he can’t quite forget her. Kestrel turned into someone he could no longer recognize: someone who cared more for the empire than for the lives of innocent people—and certainly more than she cared for him. At least, that’s what he thinks.

But far north lies a work camp where Kestrel is a prisoner. Can she manage to escape before she loses herself? As the war intensifies, both Kestrel and Arin discover unexpected roles in battle, terrible secrets, and a fragile hope. The world is changing. The East is pitted against the West, and Kestrel and Arin are caught between. In a game like this, can anybody really win?

My gorgeous Marie Rutkoski collection. <3 I now also have the The Winner's Crime ARC. +
The Winner's Curse audio book :D Only missing The Winner's Crime audio. <3 Getting it shortly.


  1. Oh wow. That's pretty! I still haven't read the second book. Boo

  2. I still haven't read The Winner's Crime. I'm terrified. D: I know it's gonna break my heart. So I'll read it right before The Winner's Kiss, that way I can read them back to back. It will be the only way I will survive!
    Gorgeous cover, though. Thank you for sharing! <3

  3. The cover is absolutely stunning and it's making me think about all the things that might happen in the book and I'm so scared and excited!!
    Thank you for sharing sweetie!!

  4. I actually don't like this cover at all... the covers went downhill, after CURSE. That cover was great. I was disappointed by CRIME's cover, and even more so by KISS's cover -_- However, it's the book that's important! Not *necessarily* the cover. Or so I'm telling myself.

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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