
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Cover Reveal: The Nightmare Charade by Mindee Arnett + Giveaway

So excited to take part in sharing the official The Nightmare Charade cover today :D Thank you for letting me take part Mindee. <3 You are awesome. I really enjoyed the first book, The Nightmare Affair :) And book two, The Nightmare Dilemma, looks so amazing, and I'm putting off reading it until I can read this gorgeous third and final book at the same time. Almost time for this now :D I cannot wait. I also very much adore Mindee. <3 And oh, how gorgeous this cover is! I love the colors. And the boat. And the people. And yeah. This book will look so gorgeous in person. <3 I cannot wait for August and for this precious to come out. Thank you for sharing Mindee :D You are the bestest. Can't wait for this. <3

Welcome to the “official” cover reveal of The Nightmare Charade, the final installment of the Arkwell Academy series by Mindee Arnett from Tor Teen. The book is out August 4th, but below is your chance to win an advanced copy. So scroll down to see the cover and learn a little bit about the book (please note the cover is not quite final but almost). ~ To see the other bloggers sharing the cover, visit Mindee :)

It’s her junior year at Arkwell Academy and Dusty Everhart just wants to be alone with her boyfriend, Eli Booker. But fate is literally keeping them apart. See, Dusty is a Nightmare, who can enter Eli’s dreams to find clues to the future, but an ancient curse predicts that any romance between them is doomed to end in tragedy. Dusty and Eli are willing to take that risk, but the authorities disagree—and have assigned a chaperone to make sure their relationship is strictly platonic. 

As if that’s not bad enough, they’ve been recruited by the Department of Intelligence for Magickind Secrecy (D.I.M.S.) to use their dream-seer bond to help recover the most powerful object of black magic known to magickind. The Animus Mortem can raise the dead by stealing the souls of the living… which makes tracking it down a genuine matter of life and death. 

To make matters worse, one of Dusty’s friends is accused of murder, and is counting on her to clear his name. 

Dusty has too many dreams, too many commitments, and too many people looking over her shoulder, but a Nightmare seldom plays by the rules. Curse or no curse, chaperone or not, she has to go deep into Eli’s dreams if she’s going to find the truth—and discover a way for them to truly be together at last!

Message from the author. <3

Hello! And thanks for coming to my “official” cover reveal. By that I mean, the cover has been leaked for months now, but we’re not going to let that stop us from celebrating! So firstly, can I just say how much I love this one? I’ve been lucky in all my covers for the Arkwell Academy series, but I adore this color so much. We almost made book 2 this color, but it worked out so much better for this one. Thanks so much to the artist Kate Forester and to my brilliant editor, Whitney Ross.

So what exactly are we looking at here with the strange boat and river scene? Well, if you guessed “dream sequence” then you’re right. Charade starts off two months after the end of The Nightmare Dilemma. Dusty has just returned from a summer-long tour of Europe with her mother, and she’s eager to reconnect with Eli. But of course their reunion doesn’t go as planned when they are interrupted by a magickind special agent who has come to recruit them for a special—and dangerous—task.

What else can you expect? Well, there’s kissing, and magic, old enemies and new, and kissing, and scary dreams, and good friends, and action, oh and more kissing. Sadly, there are also a few casualties as well. This really is the end of the story for Dusty and Eli, but I hope you enjoy the ride!

Giveaway Details:
~ Closes midnight EST on May 13, 2015 ~ Open Internationally
~ 2 signed advanced readers copies of The Nightmare Charade


  1. I'm so excited about this book!! And cover is so GORGEOUS!! Thank you for sharing the awesome cover Carina!!

  2. I've always loved these covers in this series, but I think The Nightmare Charade has to be my favourite yet, I love the cover they've gone with! Thanks for sharing this cover with us Carina! :)

  3. Such cute covers! I haven't read this series; I thought there was a triangle? But otherwise it sounds fun. Thank you for sharing, Carina!

  4. Ah, I love how these all go together so nicely! :D Thanks for sharing these, Carina!


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