
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday #184

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Pram Bellamy is special—she can talk to ghosts. She doesn’t have too many friends amongst the living, but that’s all right. She has her books, she has her aunts, and she has her best friend, the ghostly Felix.

Then Pram meets Clarence, a boy from school who has also lost a parent and is looking for answers. Together they arrive at the door of the mysterious Lady Savant, who promises to help. But this spiritualist knows the true nature of Pram’s power, and what she has planned is more terrifying than any ghost.

Lauren DeStefano is beloved by critics and readers alike, and her middle grade debut is lyrical, evocative and not to be missed.

Hardcover, 240 pages
Expected publication: September 1st 2015 by Bloomsbury USA Childrens
Pre-Order here and here.

THIS BOOK IS GOING TO BE SO AMAZING. Sobs. I just wish I could read it right away. And I wish it would be longer. Sigh. I just. That cover! I'm dying. It is so pretty. And this middle grade book just sounds so perfect. I love the summary so much. I simply cannot wait to meet Pram. And Clarence. And to read about the amazing plot too. Sigh. I do love a good ghost story ;) So so excited for this one. And oh my gosh. I just saw a month ago that her name is Pram Bellamy :D Like, you know, from The 100, hih. <3 So now I am loving this little girl even more than before. Sigh. I cannot wait to read it. It will be amazing.
What are you waiting for on this ghosty Wednesday?


  1. I'm so excited for this one, too! I've love everything by Lauren DeStefano---she has such a beautiful writing style. I can't wait to see her take on a MG story!

  2. I'm really excited for this one too! I love Lauren DeStefano's writing and I'm sure this middle grade book is gonna be fantastic!
    Great pick Carina!

  3. The cover looks scary and awesome at the same time. I love ghost stories, and Lauren DeStefano is an amazing author, so I'll have to check this out.

    My Waiting on Wednesday post.

  4. new to me but sounds like a great pick. Hope you get a chance to read it soon.

  5. Great cover and I have wanted this one ever since I first saw it. ONLY 6 more months!

  6. Love the cover and sound like an interesting book. Haven't heard of it before, but now I have it on my reading list :)

  7. I hope you like the book! Check out my WoW!

  8. Not familiar with this one - middle grade, I see. I hope you enjoy this book when you read it, Carina.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  9. That cover has just the right bit of spookiness. I think this sounds cool, I hope you enjoy it! WoW

  10. Oh I hope you'll enjoy this one, Carina!

  11. Ak, I actually don't like the cover at all, but I'll admit I did have a mini fangirl freak-out when I saw 'Bellamy'! ;D I really should read more MG, and a good ghost story at that. :)

    Aimee @ Deadly Darlings

  12. This does sound just like something you'd love! It's so gorgeous, too! I didn't think about the Bellamy thing! :D Great pick, Carina!


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