
Saturday, April 18, 2015

In My Mailbox #181

This week has been curious. My bump that I mentioned last week is gone :D I cannot tell you how pleased I am that it wasn't another Abscess. <3 it probably would have been one, if not for the fact that I decided to murder it before it was fully ready :p Which I'm glad I did, lol. I have been calling the hospital every day, but the woman is never there to answer the phone. I have been waiting forever for my surgery, and I still haven't gotten any news about it. I should have gotten it early last week. I'm so tired of waiting. Ugh. But other than that I had an amazing week. I read great books. I have won some awesome things, coming soon. I talk to the most amazing authors and people online. <3 And I watched The Fast and the Furious 1-6 with my sister. Mostly the movies sucked, lol, but I think I loved movies 4-6. Probably. We are seeing number 7 tonight, which I'm really excited about. This week's posts. I read all of Walk on Earth a Stranger last saturday. <3 Then posted another Cress Tuesday :) And I'm waiting on The Witch Hunter. <3 Then I read Storm Siren, which I really liked. Also read the sequel, Siren's Fury, which I also enjoyed a lot :) I shared the cover for Darkthaw. <3 I'm pleased with this week. Angry with the hospital, ugh. But happy about everything else. Got a few books. <3 What did you get this week?

Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke. I might read this next, I think. I did like book one :) Excited for it.
The Wondrous and the Wicked. Finally owning them all :D Shall start this series someday soonish.
All the Rage. I loved this book a whole lot. <3 And this hardcover is just all kinds of stunning. Sigh.
Spirit Animals: The Evertree. I adore Marie. So I got this. I own 2 of 7. Ack. Must get the rest, I think.
Fairest. Now owning two of this International Paperback edition. <3 Might get a third one. Maaaybe.
The School for Good and Evil: A World Without Princes. This US paperback is all kinds of stunning. I loved this book so damn much. But oh. Preview of book three :D Two chapters. Agatha and Tedros in one. <3 And oh, it is breaking my heart, because I ship them so much. I need book three right away.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Pretty new reads! My copy of Conspiracy will be in the mail next week. :) I hope you like it more than the first book hehe. Storm Siren!! I love these covers so much.
    Happy reading, lady. <3

  2. I might be getting All The Rage next week. I hope you love all your new books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. Love your post. Lucky you :) Sounds like great books all of them :)

  4. YAY for the bump being gone! Some good news health wise are always welcome! And dammit, I really hope you get some answers about your surgery already!

    Gorgeous books all of them! And I do hope you'll get all the awesome things you've won super soon!

    Happy reading Carina!

  5. Yay! It's good to hear that you're feeling better. :) And ack! I was about to pick up a copy of All the Rage, but I got scared. :/ Anyway, enjoy your books this week, hun!

  6. You got awesome books! I really adore the covers of School for Good and Evil :D I hope you enjoy these books, Carina :D

  7. So glad the abscess is gone and you are feeling better!

    I looooooved The Wondrous and the Wicked! And I thought Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke as okay. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous weekend, Carina :)

    Check out my STS post!

  8. All the Rage sounds good, hope you enjoy and have a good weekend.

  9. I'm so glad you're okay now! :D All the Rage was such an amazing book, and I'm waiting for a hardcover to be available in our area as well. :) Fairest looks so gorgeous--I totally understand why you'd want more than one copy. xD I hope next week treats you well!

  10. I hope you enjoy The Wondrous and the Wicked. I read the first book but never got back to the series. I always forget to finish a series if there's a long time between books.

    Hope you get your surgery squared away soon, and happy to hear your bump went away. Health issues suck. :( Happy reading, Carina! :)

  11. Soooo many books that I want to read!!! Enjoy them all!

  12. the wondrous and the wicked is beautiful <3 <3 <3 I hope you enjoy the trilogy Carina! <3

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  13. I'm glad that you were able to read so many great books this week Carina, it's been sort of a sluggish week for me, but I hope things will pick up with my next couple of reads. Also I really hope you end up enjoying Conspiracy of Night and Fog just as much as I did! :)

  14. Hahaha. I love your opinions on the Fast and the Furious movies! I've only seen the first and third, and they haven't done much to make me want to see the others.

    Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke is soo pretty. I love the paperback of Fairest, too! The PB of A World Without Princes is gorgeous! I saw it at work the other day and had to touch it. :D

    I hope you have a great week Carina!

  15. All The Rage was a really fantastic book, it's defo. worth the experience. Hope to hear your thoughts on it sometime. I loved Fast 7! I liked 5 and 7 mainly, the others kind of suck I agree :) <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

  16. Sorry I am a little late with this, but great haul this week. Siren's fury looks awesome!

    I hope you enjoy :) Happy Reading!

    Here's my Weekly Wrap Up

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  17. You don't like the Fast and Furious movies? DD: I sorta love them <3 Oh, and I loved the book haul this week! All the Rage looks so good, and I need to get my hands on a copy somehow. As well as that, I have my copy of Fairest now and hope to start reading it today!


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