
Monday, April 27, 2015

Cover Reveal: The Black Knife Novellas by Jodi Meadows

Ahh. Sharing the covers for all these four gorgeous novellas today. And oh, how they are stunning. I loved The Orphan Queen so much. And I am dying to know more about Black Knife in these novellas :D The first novella is The Hidden Prince. Which will be out on June 2nd. <3 I cannot wait! The second one, The Glowing Knight, is coming September 1st :D And the third, The Burning Hand, is coming December 1st. <3 It sounds so epic. And finally, The Black Knife, February 1st, most likely :D Oh, how I am excited for all four novellas. Most excited about the sequel, The Mirror King, coming out in March next year, though. <3 It will be the bestest. Sniffs. I'm just dying to know what happens next. So worried. Yet so excited, as I'm sure Jodi is writing it perfectly :D Also, Jodi Meadows is all kinds of glorious. You all need to follow her. She's the kindest. <3 I'm not sharing the summary for these four novellas, because, well, there aren't any. Hmph. I'm sharing Jodi's Amazon link below, though she is sharing all the pre-order links on her website. <3 What do you think of these? Aren't they awesome? :D I cannot wait for June.

The first of four novellas to The Orphan Queen, about the origin of the vigilante Black Knife. 
Also known as the Black Knife novellas.


  1. Awesome covers. I'm reading The Orphan Queen now.

  2. I so adore the coverssss!! I cannot wait till we can get to read at least the first novella!
    Thank you for sharing the covers sweetie!

  3. I'm dying for these novellas! The covers are probably some of my favorite covers ever! Not kidding.

    Plus, I'm super excited about the chapters of The Hidden Prince that come with the novellas!!!!

  4. I still need to read The Orphan Queen! But I'll get to is soon, hopefully this week or next. And these novella covers are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. <3


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