
Friday, March 13, 2015

The Infinite Blog Tour: Interview with Lori M. Lee + Giveaway

So thrilled to be a part of this blog tour :D These books are so gorgeous looking. <3 The covers are stunning. Thank you so much Lori for letting me be a part of this awesome tour :D You can see the full blog tour schedule here. Lots of amazing tour stops. <3 The Infinite is such a pretty book. I do think many might love it, though I haven't read it. Thank you so much Lori for answering my interview question. <3 You are all kinds of amazing. There is also this great international giveaway at the end of the post :D Enter to win 5 gorgeous swag packs. <3 Best of luck :) My review of Gates of Thread and Stone can be found here, though you might not want to read it. Have any of you read these books yet?

Interview with Lori M. Lee.

1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

Either Scotland or Japan. I’m a bit obsessed with the land and the histories/cultures of both countries. I briefly wanted to be a historian just so I could study their long histories. Then I decided I could just, you know, study them independently. *is such a rebel*

2. What part of Gates of Thread and Stone surprised you the most while writing it?

There weren’t any big surprises. I’m a hardcore outliner so, while things sometimes didn’t play out the way I’d planned or a new scene demanded to be added between chapters, I always knew where things were heading. I know, that’s so BORING, but… ah well lol. Maybe in the next book, I’ll just kill everyone. That’ll surprise readers ;)

3. Which character of all the characters you have written do you like the least?

This is tough. I like all my main and supporting characters in one way or another, even if it’s for their bad qualities. Reev’s boss in book 1 was pretty despicable, though. So maybe him. One character I love to hate is Istar. She’s a terrible person, but she’s so delightful about it!

The walls of Ninurta keep its citizens safe.

Kai always believed the only danger to the city came from within. Now, with a rebel force threatening the fragile government, the walls have become more of a prison than ever.

To make matters worse, as Avan explores his new identity as an Infinite, Kai struggles to remind him what it means to be human. And she fears her brother, Reev, is involved with the rebels. With the two people she cares about most on opposite sides of a brewing war, Kai will do whatever it takes to bring peace. But she’s lost her power to manipulate the threads of time, and she learns that a civil war might be the beginning of something far worse that will crumble not only Ninurta’s walls but also the entire city.

In this thrilling sequel to Gates of Thread and Stone, Kai must decide how much of her humanity she’s willing to lose to protect the only family she’s ever known.

Gates of Thread and Stone Buy Links:
Amazon - B&N - The Book Depository - Indiebound - CDON - Brilliance Audio - iTunes 
The Infinite Buy Links:
Amazon - B&N - The Book Depository - Indiebound - CDON - Brilliance Audio

Lori is the author of young adult fantasy novels Gates of Thread and Stone and The Infinite. She has a borderline obsessive fascination with unicorns, is fond of talking in capslock, and loves to write about magic, manipulation, and family. She lives in Wisconsin with her husband, kids, and a friendly pitbull.  

Praise for Gates of Thread and Stone: 

“Lori M. Lee excels in building a world of intrigue, oppression, and magic amidst a Labyrinth setting as twisted and winding as the secrets hidden inside her characters’ hearts. Fans of strong heroines who don’t need a boy to hold their hands, action-packed fighting scenes, and whispers of steampunk and mythology, will find themselves wishing they, too, could manipulate the threads of time, if only to stay inside the story a little longer.” 
A.G. Howard, New York Times bestselling author of the SPLINTERED series 

“A fast-paced, heart-wrenching whirl of a story full of magic, immortals, and a romance that will leave readers gasping for more. I adored the tough, scrappy narrator and fell in love with the boy chasing after her heart. Lori M. Lee introduces us to a fantasy world unlike any other and gives us the first taste of an epic love story in the making. I can’t wait for more!” 
Mindee Arnett, THE NIGHTMARE AFFAIR series and AVALON series 

“Inventive, romantic, and gripping. I was hooked from the first page!” 
Amy Tintera, REBOOT and REBEL 

“A thrilling adventure in a vivid world, GATES OF THREAD AND STONE is the kind of book you want to read both fast and slow: fast to find out what happens next and slow to savor the journey. I couldn’t put it down.” 
Sarah Beth Durst 

“Lee has woven a captivating fantasy that will thread its way into your heart and pull you into a world of magic and intrigue.” 
 Christina Farley, GILDED and SILVERN


  1. "She's a terrible person, but so delightful about it!"

    Hah, this makes me want to read this series! Thanks for featuring this interview, Carina, I haven't read it yet, but it sounds like fun. :)

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  2. This is a wonderful interview Carina, being a hardcore outliner isn't boring at all, it's always great when you know where things are headed. Also I love the cover to this book, it's simply stunning! :)

  3. Fantastic interview Carina! Thank you so much for sharing!

  4. Great interview! I love her "characters she loves to hate" answer. So fun! Can't wait to read THE INFINITE! It sounds amazing!


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