
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday #175

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Forget everything you thought you knew about genies!

Azra has just turned sixteen, and overnight her body lengthens, her olive skin deepens, and her eyes glisten gold thanks to the brand-new silver bangle that locks around her wrist. As she always knew it would, her Jinn ancestry brings not just magical powers but the reality of a life of servitude, as her wish granting is controlled by a remote ruling class of Jinn known as the Afrit.

To the humans she lives among, she’s just the girl working at the snack bar at the beach, navigating the fryer and her first crush. But behind closed doors, she’s learning how to harness her powers and fulfill the obligations of her destiny.

Mentored by her mother and her Zar “sisters”, Azra discovers she may not be quite like the rest of her circle of female Jinn . . . and that her powers could endanger them all. As Azra uncovers the darker world of becoming Jinn, she realizes when genies and wishes are involved, there’s always a trick.

Hardcover, 384 pages
Expected publication: April 21st 2015 by Feiwel & Friends
Pre-Order here.

I think Becoming Jinn sounds awesome and a bit different from what I have read, yet I think I will love it. I hope so, anyway :D I cannot wait to read this book. And omg, new cover arrived last week, via Hafsah at Icey Books. <3 And it is stunning. I love the purple. And the ring is gorgeous too. Yeah. I'm just very excited about this book. Hoping for an amazing story with a gorgeous romance too, hih :)
What are you waiting for on this wishful Wednesday?   


  1. Such a pretty cover!! I agree it looks better than the other one, purple is such a pretty cover!!

  2. Yes, this sounds good from the description. Can't wait to see what you think of it.

  3. I love the purple in the cover too! Hope you enjoy this one :)
    here's our WOW

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  4. I cannot wait to read this book! I've never read one about a genie :3
    However I liked the old cover better :(

  5. Great cover. New to me though I hope you get a chance to read it soon.

  6. I have wanted this one from the moment I saw the cover -- cannot wait. This one is at the top of the pile to be read at launch.

    My WoW this week

  7. I haven't read any genie books, so this one sounds like a story I need to check out. Thanks for sharing!
    My WoW:

  8. This sounds so intriguing. I will have to check it out.

    My WOW

  9. This is a gorgeous cover, and the book definitely sounds intriguing. I look forward to your review of it. :)

  10. You need to read (or "preview") this and tell me if it has any sort of love triangle! But I agree, the story sounds like lots of fun. I like this trend to write Jinn books.

  11. I LOVE THE NEW PURPLE COVER! Purple is my favorite color :D I'll be reading this one soon! I hope you enjoy this book if/when you read it!

    Have a fabulous week, Carina :)

    Check out my WoW post!

  12. I definitely like the new color better! I think it stands out a little more this way. :) I can't quite decide if I need this or not! I'm waiting for somebody to review it. :D

  13. Great choice! This is the first that I've heard of this one but it does seem like a pretty good book. I love the cover! Thank you for sharing. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  14. Uh oh! I heard this has a love triangle??? But maybe I'm wrong. I hope so. Hopefully you will love it. :)


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