
Friday, February 20, 2015

Review: Bone Gap by Laura Ruby

I wanted to read this book because I found the cover to be different. And the summary to be interesting. So getting a print ARC of it was all kinds of amazing. But then I got worried I wouldn't like it. But oh. I started it today, and I had to finish it right away. I loved it. It's weird. Yet beautiful and awesome.

At first I thought I wouldn't like this book much, because I was a bit unsure about the writing. But then I read more. And I grew to really like the writing. And I started to care for all the characters. And I found the plot to be exciting and mysterious and a bit creepy at times. And I liked the romance a lot. Sigh.

Bone Gap is mostly the story of Finn. Whom I really adored. He's a bit different. And I'm not going to explain it more than that. Just that he is different and I adored every part of him. Loved getting to know him more and getting to know why he is the way he is. He's amazing. I also liked reading about his past. And about his brother, Sean. I'm still a bit unsure about him. He was kind of an idiot at times. But he could also be kind and caring and I did like him. Probably. I very much liked their cat, though. So cute and adorable :D And the horse that comes into their life. And the goat. And reading about the chickens next door. And the bees too. I loved the animals in this book. The animals are kind of a small part but I liked reading about them.

I feel like I could say everything about this book. Yet I also feel like saying nothing about it. It is a bit weird. And so different. Yet it is also so amazing. And I just couldn't help but falling in love with this story and these characters and this writing. I was unsure, but I'm so glad I ended up loving this book. I found there to be an exciting mystery. And there is a tiny bit of magic in this book. A bit weird, yet it made sense too, so I didn't mind it. It was still exciting. I also really liked the ending for this book.

There are so many characters to read about in Bone Gap. I can't remember all their names. But there is this girl. Petey. And I loved reading about her and Finn falling in love. About them kissing and being adorable together. And I loved reading about Petey. Her life is all kinds of exciting. And her past is kind of sad and so real. But yeah. I loved her as a person. Her mom was pretty awesome too. Mostly I just really loved reading about Petey and Finn together. The romance is pretty sweet. I loved it a whole lot.

There is also another girl in this book. Roza. She was so amazing to read about. And I loved that she was from Poland. And oh. Getting to know her story and reading chapters from her point of view was so heartbreaking. Sad face. Because, yeah, I ended up loving her a lot. And it might happen that she is kidnapped. And it might be so sad and it broke my heart a lot. And getting to read about the year she has stayed with Finn and Sean was just the most beautiful and so interesting and I wanted more of it.

There is so much I loved about this book. Most of it is told from the point of view of Finn, but also a bit from Roza and Petey and Sean. And that old neighbor of theirs. Whom I also really liked reading about, though he was a bit crazy. Hmph. Yet I kind of adored him. Anyway. The town this book is set in is pretty exciting too. I loved reading about Bone Gap. Sure, the people might mostly be idiots, but I kind of really enjoyed reading about them all. Hah. It surprised me how much I enjoyed this book. So glad I did.

I don't really want to say that much more about this book. Just that Bone Gap is such an exciting book. The plot is great. The characters are adorable. And I really liked the writing. I loved reading about Finn and Petey and Roza and Sean. I loved getting to know some of their secrets. I enjoyed how exciting this book was. I wish it had been longer. And I wouldn't have minded reading more about these characters. I grew to love them all. And I'm so glad that I read this book. It was pretty amazing. Looks gorgeous too.

Huge thank you to Megan at HarperCollins International for the gorgeous review copy for this book. <3 I also just ordered a hardcover for myself as well. Because, yeah. I really did enjoy this book. And I think I might want to read it again one day soon. And I need my own gorgeous hardcover of it too. Sigh. It will be so pretty, I think. Anyway. This book was pretty amazing. And weird. Yet I loved it. I think you should all read Bone Gap. Curious to know what you all would think of it :D Will you let me know if you read it?


  1. I'm glad you so enjoyed this one, Carina! I've not heard too much about it, but it sounds pretty interesting--and I do love the cover. :) I think the books you HAVE to continue reading are some of the best!

  2. I don't really know much about this one though I've seen some folks getting it. I'm interested that it's a mystery and has a bit of magic? Intriguing.

  3. I haven't heard much about this one, but OH great characters and great writing! That alone makes it sounds amazing! Glad you really enjoyed this one, Carina!

  4. Very happy to hear you loved this one sweetie! It sounds like the characters made this book fantastic!

  5. I've been waiting to hear more about this book. So glad to see you liked it so much! I'm really curious about Finn now and his story. Thank you so much for sharing! Lovely review, C!

  6. I'm glad you managed to enjoy this one, C. I swear, it didn't look like it's going to be a "Carina book". Lol.

  7. This sounds like a pretty complex book if you ask me. I think I will love to try it and see if I can enjoy it for myself. I like the idea of a twisted plot and a writing style that gradually grows on you!


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