
Saturday, February 28, 2015

In My Mailbox #174

I haven't read a single book this week. Which is making me all kinds of depressed. Hmph. But I just haven't felt like reading. I blame still being sick because of my fistula. Sigh. But, good news, hospital trip on Tuesday to have it looked at. <3 Finally. Hope it won't hurt. Anyway. I shall try my best to read something this week :D Just need the energy, and something that I want to read. But even though I didn't read, I had an amazing week! I watched a new series, Gotham. And I'm loving it to pieces. Currently watching the three Batman movies for the first time too. Number one was kind of boring. Huh. And The 100. I'm so disappointed in that one kiss they had. It made no sense. All for the PR, I guess.. sigh. Better not happen again :) Blog posts this week. Not that many, ack. But still enough :) I shared the cover for Walk on Earth a Stranger. <3 So pretty. I shared the map for The Winner's Curse trilogy :D And it is stunning. Posted another Cress Tuesday. <3 I'm waiting on The Storyspinner :D I'm also a part of the Unchanged Blog Tour. <3 Amazing US giveaway too :) Oh! And I changed my blog look a little bit. A lot of pink :D Which I am loving. <3 Thoughts? The mail! I had an EPIC MAIL WEEK. I got the best thing I have gotten in the mail. Sigh. SO HAPPY :D Thank you so much Philip Pullman for responding to my fanletter. <3 And for sending the most amazing bookplates too :D Dying. I will treasure this perfect letter forever. It's amazing. Yeah. Sigh. The best. Anyway. I also did get a bunch of other things :D Lots of gorgeous swag. <3 Signed book. Many pre-orders. Waiting on lots. Ack. What did you get this week?

Unchanged. This hardcover is all kinds of gorgeous. <3 Though I might never read the book. Sigh.
Unforgotten. Had to get this paperback :D It's so damn pretty. And I did enjoy the book a whole lot.
The 100. I haven't decided if I shall read them yet. Ack. But they do look pretty gorgeous :D Love.
Fairest. Yess. Found an international paperback edition. <3 Will be getting more of it, hih. So pretty!
Kalahari. I'm excited about reading this book soonish :D I adore Jessica. <3 This one is so gorgeous.
His Dark Materials. The gorgeous new UK paperback editions :D I love this series the most. Perfect.
The Glass Arrow. Yess. <3 Finally got my signed copy + bookmark :D SO PRECIOUS. Thank you so much Kristen. <3 So happy and excited that I won this from you :D I adored this so much. It's awesome.
The Infinite Swag. Thank you so much Lori. <3 Got from pre-ordering the book :D So much gorgeous.
Becoming Jinn Swag. Eeek! Thank you so much Lori. <3 These are perfect :D Excited about this book!

Insurgent. I was to get a refund. Instead got two new books. And then a refund. Aaaaack. I don't have the room for these :( Though they are all kinds of gorgeous. <3 But.. the room. Sigh. But good service :)
How To Train Your Dragon 2. Gorgeous tattoos. <3 And finally owning the US edition of the movie :D
Interstellar. Had to get this gorgeous CD. <3 I adored this movie. Waiting to be able to watch it again.
Frozen. Some pretty cards, hih :D And small Olaf book :) It's pretty adorable. I love it. I must own it all.
Big Hero 6. YAY! Gorgeous Pop! figures :D And other figures too. <3 So so much love. So perfect.
Merida. Had to get this gorgeous Disney Infinity figure too :D It's so pretty. I adore Merida/Brave. <3
Philip Pullman. Oh. You know. PERFECT LETTER RESPOND FROM PHILIP PULLMAN. Still freaking out about it a little :D IT IS THE BEST. Letter is all kinds of amazing. <3 And he sent me bookplates! To put in my special (expensive) versions of the three books :D SO MUCH LOVE. Thank you Philip. <3 This is the best thing I have ever gotten in the mail. Sniffs. Will forever treasure it. It's so perfect. Sniffs.

The Last Good Day of the Year. I'm excited about this book. Thank you Bloomsbury on Netgalley :D
Siren's Fury. I am now ordering book one to read :D Thank you to publisher via Netgalley. <3 Excited.
The Glass Arrow. My signed copy. <3 Isn't it all kinds of perfect? I LOVE IT. Thank you Kristen. <3

Kendare Blake Collection, so far. <3 So much gorgeous! Love these books.

Philip Pullman Collection, so far. <3 Lots of love!

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. YAY for finally getting an appointment to get the fistula looked at, I do hope it will be as painless as possible!

    And hooray for getting an answer from Philip Pullman!! And those UK paperbacks are so pretty too!!

    So many gorgeous books, Carina! Happy reading!

  2. I hope your doc appointment helps to relieve your pain and goes well. So many epic books this week and an amazing Kendare Blake collection!

  3. Wow, girl! Look at all those pretty books. I love the pictures you always take for us. So gorgeous. <3 That Kendare Blake collection rocks.
    Siren's Fury! I got my approval too. I hope you love book 1. I think it's amazing. :D Fingers crossed you will to.
    Happy Saturday, lady! <3

  4. I need to get my hands on The Homecoming! So excited to see where the story goes!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  5. What a collection!

    I started watching The 100 tv show and I'm loving it! I think I'll try and read the book as well, even though I know they have different developments! :)

  6. OH MY! so many amazing books! I need to read The Glass Arrow! I love Article 5 by her so i'm excited to check this one out. Cute cat photo <3
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  7. Looks like a fantastic haul you've got there!
    I hope your pain goes away soon.


  8. Woah this is an incredible book haul Carina! The covers to His Dark Materials are so pretty! And congratulations on a signed copy of The Glass Arrow. I hope you're able to read many wonderful books next month!

  9. Don't feel bad! Your health comes first. You got some amazing books this week! Kalahari is prettyyyy. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous week :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. Those editions from Philip Pullman are gorgeous! I love illustrated covers. I haven't read this series yet (saw the first movie) and I think I will pick it up this year. What a sweet message in your signed copy from The glass arrow.

  11. OMG. Seriously, girl. You have all the prettiest hauls! I'm interested in reading your thoughts on Kalahari. It looks interesting!

    Happy reading, hun. I hope you'll have a better week. (hugs)

  12. Last Good Day sounds good and hope you enjoy! Have a great week.

  13. So many awesome books this week! I haven't read The 100 books but I love the show so much!! I haven't started the second season yet, but the first was awesome. Hehehe, kitty walkies in the snow. :D

  14. Gotham! I love Gotham! It's so cool! :)

    Those His Dark Materials paperbacks are gorgeous! I like that their style kind of goes with your Folio editions. I WANT THAT FUNKO BAYMAX. I keep hoping we'd get it at work, so I can get it--with my discount, of course--but we haven't. :( And yay for Siren's Fury! I hope you looooove the first book, oh my gosh. It'll be a relief to have the second book already, I promise.

    I hope you have a great week, Carina, and that your hospital visit goes well!

  15. whoa all the books.

    For me, I'm personally excited about your Kendare Blake collection! I've read Anna Dressed in blood and I really enjoyed it but I haven't read Girl of Nightmares. I think your collection is so amazing, it must've taken so much time/effort!

    I haven't read The Glass Arrow but I really want to! It looks so magical <3

    My Stacking the Shelves + Montly Recap here.

    - Nova @ Out of Time

  16. The Glass Arrow sounds really good as does Kalahari. I just read a post about it on Jenny's blog. You have sooooo many books here, Carina! You're kitty is so cute, but doesn't look entirely pleased to be on a leash or in the snow! Lol! Great humongous haul! :)

  17. I hope you are feeling better soon, Carina! you poor thing. What an awesome book haul to keep you company as you recover, though. I'm always in awe when I see your photos on Instagram. :)

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  18. The new edition of His Dark Materials is beautiful! I think I need it. :)
    I was also thinking about getting the Folio Society edition, I love their books!


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