
Saturday, February 7, 2015

In My Mailbox #171

Uhm. I've been very lazy this week. I haven't read anything since I finished Red Queen, last week. I just haven't been in the mood to read. Sigh. But today I will. Probably. Been planning on reading Fairest for ages. <3 So I will read it very shortly. So excited for it. Anyway. My health is the fucking worst. My abscess is finally gone. Was done with the awful thing at the hospital. And then I get a new huge hole right next to my healed abscess. Which is most likely a fistula. Which I have never had before. Which means a big surgery. Which means paaaain. And I don't want to. Sobs. Cross your fingers for me, please, that it will heal before by doctor appointment on Monday. <3 I hope it will. But I doubt it. I have the worst luck when it comes to my health. Sniffs. Other news. Not many blog posts this week, but I posted another Cress Tuesday. <3 I posted about the Invaded launch day, with International giveaway. I'm waiting on Nooks & Crannies. <3 And then I shared the cover for The Copper Gauntlet :D Which looks stunning. <3 Lots of love. I have chosen a winner for The Winner's Crime, and emailed & announced that person :) And omg. This week I got to finally watch Big Hero 6. <3 I knew it would be perfect. And it was! SO MUCH. Hiro is the bestest. And Baymax. Sniffs. So damn good. I didn't get much mail this week, though :( So much of it is delayed, I think. Hmph. Maybe next week :D I hope. But I'm happy with what I got. <3 I'm hoping to be able to read lots more now. Probably. What did you get this week? <3

Island of Shipwrecks. It looks so gorgeous. <3 Waiting on signed copy of it too :D I'm so so excited.
Fairest. Finally got my two copies. <3 THEY ARE GORGEOUS. So in love with it. I'm reading it later.
How To Train Your Dragon 2. Gorgeous puzzle. <3 I needed it, lol. And Snotlout too :D Pretty gorgeous.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Yay for Fairest. I hope that you love all your new books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. It sucks that you're still struggling with your health. Here's hoping everything will turn out great on your next doctor's appointment.

    Enjoy Fairest!

    Have a great week, hun. :)

  3. Nice haul you've got there!

    I didn't get any books in the mail this week, though my husband surprised me with a literary t-shirt. That did come in the mail!

  4. I hope your fistula will heal. I know what they look like (yeay to microbiology pictures :p) and it sounds so painful. Fairest is so pretty <3 Happy reading!

  5. I love the Big hero 6 toy!! *-*

    I'm reading Fairest now and I'm loving it cuz I'm hating Levana so strongly! Does that even makes sense!?!? xD

  6. Oh my! I'm so sorry to hear about the fistula sweetie! Sending all the good vibes for you not needing the surgery! *hugs*

    Fairest! I'm still awaiting my preorder, so I hope it'll get here soon! Damn those postal services being so slow!

  7. I'm so sorry that your health isn't getting better! I hope it gets better quickly for you and you don't need surgery.

    Fairest came! It's so, so gorgeous, and I'm hoping it'll be wonderful. And yay for finally seeing Big Hero 6!! Isn't it so good? Baymax is pretty much the cutest thing ever. :)

  8. I'm so sorry that your health isn't that great Carina, I do hope things get better soon for you. I've heard great things about Fairest, so I hope you enjoy it and the rest of your reads too!

  9. Ahhh, lovely books! I hope you feel better this week, Carina. You will, one day! I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fantastic weekend :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. So sorry to hear that your health isn't on the upswing like you thought it would be :( Take care, Carina.

  11. Big hugs, dear---sorry to hear your having a bad time with your health. I do hope you're feeling better soon.
    I am so glad you finally got to see Big Her 6! Isn't it the best?? Gah, made me cry so many times! And laugh---I always think of the movie when I see your cat : "furrrrry baby!" :D

  12. I'm so so sorry to hear that about your health. My heart goes out to you, friend. I want you to be well. Please take care of yourself!!!!


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