
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cress Tuesday #68

Oh! Have you all seen the summary for Winter yet? :D It is on goodreads, here. <3 And it is perfection. And now I'm even more excited. And omg. 800 pages! It will be so huge. And gorgeous. I just cannot wait. A new year. <3 And more Cress Tuesdays, hih. I will stop doing these closer to the summer. Probably. I'm so glad 2015 is finally here. This is the year of Winter. <3 But before that, Fairest. Which I am so excited to finally have gotten to read :D It was all kinds of amazing. Now waiting for Winter in November. This year cannot go by fast enough. I simply cannot wait for this book. <3 I ended up not having the time to re-read these books last year, and I think I should wait until closer to November before I do so. Probably. We'll see. I'm excited about re-reading them all either way. <3 Cinder, Scarlet, Cress & Fairest are the best books. I cannot wait to read Winter. I know I'll love everything Marissa writes. <3 So excited about Heartless too :D I hope you are all enjoying these small and mostly non-spoilery teasers from Cress :) See all the previous Cress Tuesdays here. <3 Have you read it yet?


Thorne held her until the sound of his heartbeat became louder than the sound of her crying. 
He smoothed her hair back from her face, and though it was selfish, Cress was glad that he couldn't
 see her then, with her red face and puffy eyes and all the unladylike fluids she'd left on his shirt.


 While Cinder and Kai are my favorite couple, I adore reading about Cress and Thorne.
They are just the cutest. And I felt so sorry for Cress at this moment. Sniffs.  

Huge thank you to Marissa Meyer and Macmillan Kids for letting me share these gorgeous Cress Tuesday teasers with you all. <3 They are the bestest. Thank you so much. I hope you are all loving the teasers :D I know that I am loving finding them and sharing them with you all. If you haven’t yet read Cress, I hope these teasers are making you more excited about it. <3 I’m sharing all these teasers from my stunning hardcover of Cress. Well, from one of my copies. I might be owning a whole bunch of them :D

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